7 - The Broken Kingdom

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Flashback: Camelot - Many Years Ago...

Before Camelot was a vibrant kingdom it was a poor village and Young Arthur and Guinevere walked through the village.

"Look around. Someday this village will be the great kingdom of Camelot, and I will be King," Arthur said.

Guinevere laughed softly, "You have some very strange dreams," Guinevere said.

"But they're not just dreams. Come on," Arthur and Guinevere laughed and ran up to Merlin's tree, "Can I trust you with a secret? This tree... A man is trapped inside of it. A great sorcerer known as Merlin. He spoke to me one night. He gave me a prophecy. Told me I would pull a sword from a stone and become King of Camelot," Arthur said.

"King Arthur?" Guinevere said.

"Yes. And you will be Queen Guinevere," He handed her a pink middlemist from his bag, "And on your birthdays, I'll fill the kingdom with flowers," Arthur said. 

"A middlemist? I love it," Guinevere said

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"A middlemist? I love it," Guinevere said.

"There's more where that came from. I'll show you," Arthur said as he led Guinevere to a replica of a sword stuck in stone.

"Arthur, is that the sword in the stone?" Guinevere asked.

"It's not. We should leave," Arthur said.

Kay walked up and pushed Arthur to the ground with force, "Go on, King Arthur. Pull the sword," Kay said.

"Leave him alone, Kay!" Guinevere said.

"His mother must have dropped him on his head before she took off, and now he thinks he's the orphan king. They call Camelot the Broken Kingdom because we have no king and we never will. And nobody in Camelot is ever gonna kneel to the boy who cleans the stables," Kay said.

"And you'd be wise to keep that mouth shut," The children turned to see Morgana leaning against the tree, "My, oh my, the boys have not changed in the centuries we've been gone, have they, Merlin?" Morgana said.

"You're talking to a tree?" Kay said.

"Indeed I am, however, he got in here, I do not know, but I love the fact karma got to my dear beloved friend," Morgana said.

"Friend?" Guinevere said.

"My name is Morgana, and I suggest you," She pointed to Kay, "And your little pals run along before I burn you to ash," Her eyes glowed gold Kay pulled the fake sword out and pointed it at her, she chuckled, "Boo!" Morgana said and Kay flinched before running off with his friends.

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