chapter 3

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Sid was looking at her and kissed her cheek and she smiled and a big smiled formed on his face

Sid- I am so lucky to have u naaz , I love u....

And she snuggled in his chest more and made a paut
It looked like she kissed him there

Lucian was really running around and was growling in his head

Sid- what happened ??

Lucian-i don't know Sid but something bad is going to happen

Sid looked at the door when he saw Jai huffing and looked tense

Sid stoop up- what happened u okay ??


Sid's eyes got darker

Sid- mom what Jai...

Jai- one of the warrior who were with Mom was found injured at our borders and when we asked him he said that someone kidnapped mom and killed other warriors

Sid growled and naaz who was in his embrace got scared and started crying , he looked at her and went out and saw mahi and gave her to her

Sid- take care of her we have some work and left in hurry with Jai

They went to pack hospital to meet that warrior

W- alpha and tried to get up

Sid- it's fine just tell me who kidnapped mom

W- I don't know alpha it was something strange , their was someone invisible

Sid frowned- r u crazy , invisible really.....tell me....he hold his collar......r u with them who kidnapped mom

W- no no alpha why would I do this Luna took care of all us I can die to save her but I got unconscious and when I got up I found myself at the border

They came out of the room and Sid pulled his hair and punched the wall

Sid- who could do this

Jai- what should we do now.....

Sid- let's go to the place where it all happened

Jai- yeah.....

They reached the place and were confused

It was silver river

Sid - why did mom came here , there is no pack near

They looked around but didn't found anything suddenly Jai felt something wet on his shoulder and saw blood , he looked up and saw there pack member

Jai- sid....and he also looked up

They took him down and Sid saw something on his chest he tore his shirt and saw

If you found this message
Than my years of training
Didn't went waste
Ur mom is with me son's
She is such a great mom and a loving wife
I was thinking of sending her
On a vacation
To meet the moon goddess
If u don't want that than come at the blood cave with that little mate of urs

This was scribbled on his chest
Sid and Jai both were worried but the anger was out of control

Here mahi was pacing back and forth feeling worry and anger through the mate bond and naaz was crying and is not stopping even after she tried alot suddenly she stopped and looked towards the door

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