We've Done It

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Lightning Flash's Adventures

Ep. 2 Season 1

"We've Done It"

It starts off to when you see Lightning and Glowspark sitting down on top of a tree and it's nighttime. Glowspark said, "So Bro how are things" Lightning said, "Hmm well it's going good actually I did a few things and went on a few adventures as usual" You see Pinkie jumps up next to Lightning and Glowspark. Pinkie said, "Sounds like fun!" Lightning said, "That's because it is!" Glowspark said, "Pinkie where did you come from.." Pinkie said, "I came from another dimension whoops I mean a fun arcade" Lightning said, "Wait what about.." Pinkie quickly covers Lightning's mouth. Pinkie said, "It's nothing!" Glowspark said, "Hmm well alright". Pinkie uncovers Lightning's mouth and then Lightning Flash jumps down from the tree and sighs. Lightning said, "There is nothing to do I'm bored.." Lightning kicks a rock and then the rock goes flying and you see Rarity walking and then the rock hits her on the head. Rarity said, "Ow!" Rarity falls down on the ground. Pinkie said, "Hey lookie over theresey!" Pinkie points over to Twilight's house and you see Twilight is walking away. Lightning gasps and says, "Perfect!". Lightning Flash starts flying toward Twilight's house and then he opens up the door and walks in. Glowspark and Pinkie starts looking over at Lightning. Pinkie said, "Uhh what's Lightning doing?" Glowspark said, "Something messed up as usual!" Glowspark and Pinkie runs into the house. Glowspark said, "Lightning! What are you doing!" Glowspark turns on the light. You see Trinity in the house reading a book. Trinity said, "....Uhhh this is not what it looks like" Lightning said, "What are you doing here" Trinity said, "Oh uhh!... Smoke Bomb!!" Trinity throws down a smokebomb and then smoke goes everywhere. Lightning, Glowspark and Pinkie starts coughing and then the smoke goes away. Pinkie said, "She's gone!" Pinkie looks over at the door. Pinkie said, "No wait never mind there she is" You see Trinity is trying to open the door and then she teleports out. Glowspark said, "Okay we're getting off track here.. Lightning what are you doing! What if Twilight comes back and sees us all in here!" Lightning said, "Do not worry The Glow and the Spark and the Pinkie and the Pie" Glowspark said quickly, "Why are you saying our names like that?" Lightning said, "Because I.. am here for a very important reason" Glowspark said, "and what is that?" Lightning said, "TO PARTYYYY!!" You hear Trinity shout from a distance and says, "YEAH!" Pinkie said, "How can she even hear us?... oh wait never mind she has a sound enhancer and... Yeah Lightning don't worry I can set this party up in a flash of a second!" Pinkie Pie takes out this party cannon and then she shoots it and then party stuff goes everywhere and gets all decorated. Spike walks in. Spike said, "Hey guys you know Twilight is coming here soon right?" Lightning said, "Heh Heh who cares!" Lightning pushes Spike into the closet and then he slams the door shut and locks it. Spike said, "Seriously!" Lightning said, "Okay let's party!!" In a split second you see lots of ponies rushes in the house and they all start partying hard and then epic dubstep music starts playing and flashing colorful strobe party lights starts happening. You see Glowspark does this flip and all the ponies says, "OOHHHHH!!" and then Pinkie starts doing all these epic dance moves and you see Lightning is recording it with his phone. Lightning said, "Go Pinkie! Go Pinkie! Go Pinkie!" You see Pinkie does this double flip and lands it and starts walking backwards in a cool way. All the ponies starts going crazy and then you see this T.V gets thrown out of the window. You see Lightning flies in and then he starts dancing small and starts doing some epic shuffling and then it turns into break dancing. All the ponies starts cheering for Lightning Flash. They all said, "Go Lightning Flash! Go Lightning Flash! Go Lightning Flash!!" You see Fluttershy is sleeping in the punch bowl. Spike keeps trying to break out of the closet and then he falls out. Spike said, "Ahhh!.. Oww!" Spike gets up and he looks over at Lightning Flash. Spike starts to look more mad and says, "LIGHTNING!!" Lightning looks over and flies over to Spike. Lightning nervous laughs and says, "Heyyyy what's up Spike" Spike said, "Dude! Twilight is going to be here in 2 minutes!!" Lightning said, "WHAT!!" Spike said, "I was trying to tell you but you locked me in the closet!!" You see Glowspark and Pinkie is on the stage. Pinkie said, "Hello everypony we are Glowspark, Pinkie and.. hey where's Lightning?. Glowspark looks over at Lightning. Glowspark said, "Lightning! Come up here bro!" Lightning starts to look more scared. Meanwhile, you see Twilight walking home and she starts drinking soda. Twilight said, "Mm.. What a night I could sure like to use the goodness of the comfort of my own home" You see meanwhile in the house Lightning is up on the stage. Pinkie said, "Okay let's do this!" Lightning said, "Glowspark.. Pinkie" Pinkie said, "Yeah Lightning" Lightning said, "Bad news.. Really bad news Twilight is going to be here in 30 seconds" Glowspark said, "WHAT!!". Glowspark sounds scared and he starts shaking in fear. Pinkie said, "EVERYPONY OUT OUT OUT!!" Lightning said, "NOWW!!" You see all the ponies starts running out of the house and then you see Lavender Skies runs and then she jumps and she punches out the window and jumps out. You see Fluttershy falls down and she somehow falls through the floor in the dirt. Lightning said, "Is that even possible.." You see a lot of ponies are still in the house and then Twilight walks in. Twilight said, "What the.." You see a pony has this party blower and he slowly starts to stop blowing and it drops out of his mouth and you see party stuff is still set up around the house and the music starts playing this random rap called We've Done it and it says, "We've Done it we snuck into the house we threw a party so loud when she left.. Oh YEAH! We've done it! We did it without her permission and now it's super playin!" Glowspark said, "Dude!! Turn off the song!" Lightning Flash runs over to the music box and then he presses a button and turns it off quickly. Lightning nervous laughs. You see Twilight starts to look more mad. Lightning said, "What if we said.... this wasn't our fault" Twilight said, "Then who's fault is it!" Pinkie said, "....Uhh your fault" Glowspark and Lightning facehoofs. Twilight said, "You three are going to wish... You have never done any of this!" Twilight's horn starts glowing. Lightning said, "RUN!!" Lightning, Glowspark and Pinkie starts running really fast out of the house fast down Ponyville. You see Twilight teleports in front of them and then she grabs Lightning with her magic and she slams him hard to the floor fast and rapidly. Lightning started screaming and then you see Twilight kicked Lightning in the face and then he crashed into a house. Pinkie pulled out her party cannon and she aimed it at Twilight. Pinkie said, "Watch it Twilight.. You don't want me to use this" Twilight said, "Actually I do... Come on... Use it" Pinkie said, "I will do it TWILIGHT!! This Party Cannon will send you a flying!!" Twilight said, "Do it" Pinkie begins to pull it and then you see Twilight uses her magic and turns it at Glowspark. Pinkie gasps and then you see it hit Glowspark and he goes flying and he crashes hard into Lavender's house. Glowspark falls into a refridgerator and then you see Lavender closed it and then she looked back. Lavender said, "Huh... meh it's probably nothing" Lavender started to walk away. Lightning said, "Oww.." Twilight grabbed Lightning with her magic again. Lightning said, "No wait.. Twilight think about this! It's just a house it's nothing important" Twilight said, ".....OF COURSE IT'S IMPORTANT IT'S A HOUSE!!" Lightning sighs he looks over at the screen and says, "This is going to hurt" Twilight started blasting powerful magic at Lightning and then he started screaming. Lightning went flying again and he went flying in the sky and he went through this plane. Derpy said, "Yay! My wish plane!" You see the plane explodes. Derpy said, "......Wha" Derpy starts to cry a little. Meanwhile, you see Lightning Flash is falling down fast and then he falls down and he falls down hard on Trinity. Trinity said, "Ahhh!!.. Wha!" Lightning said, "Oh sorry Trinity!" Lightning quickly gets up. Trinity said, "What's going on?" Lightning said, "Please you gotta help me! Twilight is!" You see Twilight uses her magic on Lightning again and then she starts choking him. Lightning said, "Help.." Trinity pushes Twilight to the ground. Trinity said, "Take a chill Twilight!!" Twilight said, "He threw a party in my house!" Trinity said, "Wow.." Lightning said, "There IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!!" Trinity said, "It's a house.." Lightning said, "Does anypony here ever listen to me!!" Trinity said, "I do but.. come on Lightning seriously" Lightning said, "I'm done I don't need this". Lightning slaps Twilight in the face and then she spins two times and goes through a house. Glowspark runs to Twilight. Glowspark said, "Twilight take a chill look what you are doing!!" Twilight said, "Meh I don't care I like this" Twilight uses her magic on Glowspark and she grabs him. Glowspark said, "Oh come on!!" Twilight throws Glowspark hard to a rock. Glowspark screamed and then he hit the rock hard and he went through it and then you see Derpy finds a toy plane on the floor. Derpy said, "Yay! A Toy Plane!" You see Glowspark accidentally hits it hard and rolls over it and it breaks and catches on fire. Derpy quickly started to look mad she stomped her hoof on the ground and quickly said, "OH COME ON!!" Lightning, Pinkie and Glowspark runs and then they all jump on Twilight and they take her down and they start to hold her down. Lightning said, "Sorry Twilight but you need to chill!" Twilight said, "NO!.. No! I will destroy you!" Twilight starts struggling to get loose. Pinkie said, "Twilight stop fighting it and calm down! it was a honest... Lightning mistake" Lightning said, "Lightning Mistake?" Glowspark said, "Yeah we pulled a Ligthning Mistake.." Lightning said, "Are you serious!! You made that a word!" Pinkie said, "Umm yeah" Lightning said, "Guys I'm not that bad" Glowspark said, "Yes you are" Lightning said, "Seriously!!" Pinkie said, "Yeah I mean there was that time with the princesses and then the cookie cream and then the cutie mark crusader love virus attack I could go on" Glowspark said, "Even Robots bro... ROBOTS!!" Lightning said, "Those were accidents!!... okay it was perfectly on purpose" Twilight threw Glowspark and Pinkie hard to a brick wall and they fell down hard on the ground. Lightning said, "Huh.." Twilight punched Lightning really hard and he went flying in the sky and hit the ground hard and then one of his tooth falls out. Lightning said, "Oww.... Oh sweet you knocked out my loose tooth and oww..." Lightning lays down on the floor in pain. Twilight starts walking closer to Lightning. Twilight said, "Chello Lightning.." Lightning said, "Twilight look i'm sorry OKAY! I admit it! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me I won't throw another party for.... 1 hour!" Glowspark said, "ONE HOUR!! Seriously!" Lightning said, "Shut up Glowspark!" Twilight said, "HA! Got you!!" You see all the ponies comes out and then Glowspark and Pinkie stands up and they all start dancing. Lightning said, "Wha.. What" Glowspark said, "Dude it's April Fools Day" Lightning gets up and looks completely shocked and doesn't move. Lightning said, "One hour.. ONE.. whole hour" All the ponies in ponyville says, "APRIL FOOLS!!" Lightning still looks shocked and doesn't say anything

The End

Tune In Next Week for episode 3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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