Chapter 1

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"Hey, uh, your up. So, ya. Welcome to your human form? Nope, nope, hate that, nope. I don't know how to say this, but I made you human." I say as I see Bill wake up. His human form has him with pale skin, yellow hair, and a yellow suit with brick patterns. One of his eyes is covered by a black eye patch with a triangle on it.

"Axe?" His nickname for me. I think. Most of my memories are surrounded by this kind of fog. What I do know, is this. When I lived in the mindscape, I gave up all of my power for a sliver of power in the physical world. I managed to give us human forms, but I did not have enough power to save all of our memories. And lastly, I know Bill wanted to be here, so we are. I don't remember why.

"Ya, it's me. So, thank you for summoning me. About what I did. You now have a human form. Yay! You still have control over the mindscape, so when you are dreaming mostly. I gave us both amnesia because I was not powerful enough to save our memories. I know there is some kind of ceremony to get our power and memory back, but I kind of forgot that too." Ya. Good job on my part for that. "There's more. Welcome to Gravity Falls! We are right next to a statue of you! I do not know why it is here! This is weird! Also, I remember something about 'Revenge on the blank family.' I can't remember who they are, although-"

"Wait, I didn't summon you. Sorry but, I summoned Axolotl, not you, Axe."

"Ya, but still. So, uh-"

"Well, well, well. Bill has lost all his power, and summoned his little girlfriend instead of a big, powerful lizard. Wonderful." A small figure with giant white hair and pale skin steps out from behind a tree.

"And you are?" Bill asks. The kid just laughs.

"And, to make it better, he doesn't know who I am or where he is! I'm Lil' Gideon, by the way." He calms himself and continues. "Do you know about the Pines family?" He asks, not causally at all.

"No, but-"

"I do. Something about swearing vengeance on a random family, maybe them. I think." Gideon just smiles nice and big. "Is something funny?" I ask. I stand, and Bill follows me. The kid stops smiling that big. Now he looks, well, evil.

"Are you OK with getting into some mischief?" He asks. Bill's eyes flash.

"How much?" He asks.


We arrive at a place called, uh, The Mystery Hack? Wait, no, the S has just fallen off. It is mid-afternoon, probably around three PM. There are two kids outside, but I don't get a good look at them. Gideon leads us around the back, giving the shack a wide berth. He then walks towards it, then looks back at us. Bill tries to follow him, but a force field thing blocks him and knocks him over, sending a little wave of light going around the house. Gideon looks on in surprise.

"I didn't think you were the real Bill Cipher. This proves me wrong then." He looks a little more frightened now. Sounds about right, after all, who is not afraid of demons? I heard a shout, and the two kids from the front came running towards us. We just stand there. I have no idea why a shield proves that Bill is real. The kids round the corner as I reach down to help Bill up.

"Don't shake his hand!" One of the kids shouts. They are a small boy, with a blue and white hat. The hat has a pine tree logo on it. Both Bill and I look confused.

"Kid, I was just helping him up." I say. I extend my hand again, and I help Bill to his feet. He turns to the kid.

"Hey ShootingStar. PineTree." Bill looks at the kids when he says those words. Are, are they their names? The kids look absolutely terrified.

"B-Bill?" PineTree asks. He also looks terrified. Why is this new? Maybe because we are human? But we both have signs of strong magic. Bill's top hat floats, and my hair also floats, but like it is underwater.

"Wait, how do I know that? How do you know me? How do I know this place? Axe, you never said it would be THIS BAD!!!!" Bill turns and yells at me. I think we caused enough of a racket that two other figures started running towards us. I grab Bill's hand and take off into the woods. PineTree and ShootingStar start to chase us. Bill lets go of my hand as we get farther into the woods. I look back and see PineTree has a book out, and is flipping through it. ShootingStar is trying to get him to slow down. I turn back around, and I stop in my tracks. So does Bill. Something beyond this point, it is very magical, and very dangerous. The kids also stop, probably because we did. I look at Bill, and he nods faintly. We have to keep going.

I hear new voices in the distance. Must be those other figures by the house. Unfortunately, even demons in human form can't run forever. We have to split up. My feeling of dread is getting stronger the farther I go, so I run to the side and up a tree. Bill keeps running, but trips on a gnarled tree root sticking up from the first floor. I can only watch as he falls, and hits his head hard on the ground. I climb to a lower branch, while trying to stay hidden. The kids catch up to where Bill is laying on the ground. The other figures, now I see they are two twin old men, catch up. They kneel in a circle around Bill, who has been knocked out. It is one of those falls that will knock you out for a few seconds, and then maybe it will give you a concussion if you're lucky. Bill sits up and looks around, holding his head.

"Fez, Shooting Star, Pine Tree, SixFingers. Whats up, what are you all looking at me for?" They all just sit there in complete silence. "Also, how do I know your names, or are they nicknames. Do you know my name? I-"

"We know who you are, Bill." The one called SixFingers says. I like his voice. The branch I am on starts to snap. I scramble backwards, but now they know that I am up here, "Who's there!" SixFingers calls out. He has a nasty looking gun, and is pointing it right at me. I realize I am no longer covered by leaves. I am wearing a very flowy pink romper, with red-orange spots. I climb down the tree and put my hand up. I then immediately run over to Bill, take his hand, and we start running again. The other start change us again, but they are catching up, due to the fact that I think that fall hurt more than I thought.

"Ow, pain is not hilarious anymore." Bill mumbles. I hear a creek babbling. Why does this stream in particular give me the chills? I'll show it to who's boss. We keep running but we run straight into the stream. From the front, it looks like the bank just continues, onto the next side. But it does not.

I can't see. White has taken over all of my vision. I must have sat down in the water, because I feel it rush around me. When my vision clears, I see a small, yellow fox with brick patterns on its tail. It has a tiny floating top hat and a tiny bow tie. And it's glaring at me. Bill is glaring at me.

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