Chapter 2

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Bill is a fox. WHY IS BILL A FOX!! I don't need to think about that right now. Our pursuers also apparently didn't see the river either. They fall in around us. I stand up, and pick up Bill the fox. Everyone is looking at me now.

"You have a tail now! Cool!" ShootingStar shouts. I jump. She scared me. Why? I don't scare easily. I didn't use to, at least. Now, every little sound is twice as scary as it was. I step out of the river, and slowly back up. The people who were chasing us... They are all different. Some of them are obviously uncomfortable, like I am. Why am I uncomfortable? I drop Bill and flick my tail. Wait, I don't have a tail. That's what there are staring at. They look odd as well. PineTree has the lower half of a deer, a Cervituar. ShootingStar is a straight up mermaid, gills, fins, tail and all. Fez is a gargoyle, with stone wings and yellow glowing eyes. One moment there is a yellow fox sitting on a rock, the next Bill in is human form is there instead. A Kitsune. The Japanese word for fox. These are shape-shifting trickster foxes. I notice that bill still has yellow fox ears and tail. The gargoyle, Fez, lunges at him, pinning him to the ground.

"What did you do to us!" He screeches.

"Leave him alone!" I yell, lunging at him. I grab his waist and lift him into the air. We are hovering over Bill, who has sat up and is looking on in amazement. So is everyone else. I drop Fez and he falls to the ground, but I'm still floating. I. Am. Flying. With no wings. I drop to the ground, accidentally knocking Fez off of Bill. He lands back in the water, and there is complete silence. Bill snaps out of the trance first, grabs my hand, and we start running again. No one is chasing us this time, but there is a commotion from back where we were. After a few minutes, Bill stops us.

"You felt it to?" He asks. I think he means the sense of dread.

"Ya. I understand now. So uh, you're a Kitsune." I say.

"And you are an Axolotl-human hybrid that can fly. That makes sense." He says sarcastically.

"You know, we need to befriend someone so we can get our powers and memories back." I say. We look at each other. "Gideon."

We can't just wander around town looking like we do, so we steal two cloaks from a store! Well, Fox-Bill steals them, I wait in the woods. We wander around, man it is hot in these, until we reach an advertisement for The Tent Of Telepathy. I read the flyer, and notice that at the bottom it says: "Come and see Lil' Ol Me!"

"That must be Gideon." I say to Bill, in his human form.

"I have an idea. What if we got everyone to swim in the stream? Then we would not be suspicious, and that would be enough diversion that we could do whatever we want!" Bill says quietly.

"Good idea. Do you think we could get Gideon to help? He seems popular." I ask.

"Get my help with what?" A voice says from behind us. We whirl around, my tail coming un-tucked. I quickly pull it back up into my cloak. The sun feels at last five times hotter now.

"Hi Gideon." Bill says quickly. "We found a very nice stream, and I think it might help with your magic show. Just bring some of the water and dump it on the entire crowd. Do you think you could get the whole town to come tonight? That wold be even better." He says.

"Maybe, but you owe me a favor in return. And, you have to get me the water." Gideon says. Bill holds out his hand, blue fire crawling up his arm.

"Deal?" Bill asks.

"Deal." They shake hands. "The sun is starting to go down. Meet you at the tent of telepathy in two hours. Goodbye, Bill." Gideon walks away.

"Well, this wont go wrong at all." Bill says cheerily. We walk back into the woods, towards the stream.

The show was a total ripoff. Good thing we got the tickets for free.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, Legend Water, from the Mythical Stream!" Gideon shouts. Just a sprinkle of this "Legend Water," and now the entire is an odd creature. I mean, the ENTIRE town. Everyone came. Even the poor family who chased us. Bill and I are sitting near the back. As soon as the water came down, we took off our cloaks to make us not suspicious. There is a big commotion, in which Gideon storms over to us.

"You knew this would happen!" He yells. Bill and I both start laughing. He has tiny little fangs.

"You're a vampire!" I laugh. He blushes.

"And you're a, a, Axolotl FREAK!!" He yells the last part. Bill and I both stop laughing. Bill knows NEVER to insult Axolotls in front of me. I pick him up by the back of his stupid glittery jacket and take him outside so no one sees me do this. I begin to levitate, taking this little jerk with me. "I-I take it back!" He yells. I gently lower him down and blush. I begin to calm down. In a slightly less murderous voice I tell him,

"Sorry, I get a little sensitive when people talk about Axolotls. Can your forgive me? See, we need your help again."

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