
126 4 40

Thanks again to all people who have read and commented :)

So this time......prefix can be the number of letters you have in your first name.

I'm skipping 1 because it is HIGHLY unlikely for someone to have 1 letter in their name lol. If you happen too, just put it as Bracken.

2. Bark

3. Dust

4. Fawn

5. Red

6. Leopard

7. Honey

8. Flint

9. Spotted

10. Slate

Other. Bramble

Suffix can be the first letter in your mother's name.

A. fur

B. storm

C. shade

D. call

E. fern

F. cloud

G. fang

H. heart

I. pool

J. pelt

K. flight

L. light

M. leaf

N. star

O. kit

P. paw

Q. wing

R. stone

S. splash

T. song

U. leg

V. tail

W. ear

X. dawn

Y. foot

Z. whisker

Comment what you got!!!! I got Leopardflight.

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