I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 22

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Hey guys! So Knox's POV comes later in this chapter. For some reason I kept getting writers block when writing his, so hopefully next time I do his it'll be more fluent. Either way enjoy!

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Thanks a bunch!

Chapter 22

Opening the front door of the Light Moon pack house, the smell of Knox's familiar scent hit me like a ton of bricks. Then in a second he was running down the big staircase.

His dark brown hair a little shaggier than normal, like he had been running his hands through it. Unlike the pajamas he wore earlier this morning he wore a white dress shirt with the arms rolled up half way, and dark wash jeans.

"Where the hell have you been?" He asked anxiously, stepping closer to me.

"I told you this morning that I was going to see my parents. Why are you so riled up?" I asked with suspicion. He knew where I was, so why was he freaking out?

"You realize that you got here ten minutes after two? I told you 2 o'clock!" He stood a couple steps away from me.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, with an annoyed tone. "I'm only ten minutes late and you're getting angry at me? And who are you to say when I get here?" I asked, feeling my face getting red with frustration.

"I'm your mate!" Knox said. A vein in his forehead showing.

I stumbled for words after he spoke. For some unusual reason, I was happy that he said it. As if he finally acknowledged me as his mate.

"No you're not Knox. You rejected me." He just needs to get that in his stupid little brain that he was stupid and that I don't want him. "Now since I had to be here at exactly 2 for, I assume, the meeting with my protectors and you, can you please take me to the meeting room?" I asked while looking him straight in the eyes.

A flash of pain shot across his features for a split second before he went expressionless. "Fine" He said and turned and walked me toward the meeting room.

"I'm sorry Hazel." I heard him mumble.

"For what?" I asked, curious.

"For rejecting you. Being a jerk." He said, looking back at me with a look of sorrow.

I just looked at him for a moment. I didn't reply to him and just let his words soak in as we made it to the meeting room.

Knox opened the door for me and I entered.

I saw everyone sitting at a long wooden table, including Archer.

He was wearing a blue hoodie and black jeans.

Seeing him made me really happy and I gave him a huge smile and I walked toward him.

"Hey babe." I smiled at him, sitting on his lap.

"Hey. You look so beautiful." He whispered, giving me a kiss on my lips.

I heard a growl and turned to see Knox glaring at us.

"There is a chair for you." Knox said nodding his head firmly at a chair at the end of the table.

I rolled my eyes and kissed Archer once more before going to sit at the chair.

"Alright, let's begin. I'd just like to start off by thanking you all for coming here and helping out the Light Moon pack." Knox said looking at everyone. He was definitely in Alpha mode right now. I hate to admit it but it was really hot.

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