Chapter 1: The Girly Bot

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FOREST JAMES slowly walked into the ring, holding a small, fragile looking bot with a pink little bow, and a bright yellow smiling face. "I would like to try," said Forest in a small voice, her icy blue hair blowing in the light breeze. Hiro Hamada, a known bot fighter champion, sat cross-legged on the other side of the ring, his choppy black hair sat unevenly on his small broad shoulders. He also held a bot, one that looks fairly similar to Forest's; his being made of microbots, and having a bright yellow smiley face. The crowd around Hiro and the girl erupted with laughter.

"We got another one!" laughed one man, a fairly large one, formally known as Mr. Yama. Forest looked up timidly, yet fished the rolled up pack of bills she had prepared. She laid it on the metal tray, beside the crinkled up pile of dollar bills that she guessed Hiro had put. She tried as hard as she could to ignore the jeers from all her angles, but she couldn't help but get a bit upset. She felt the ice frost over her fingertips, yet she sat cross-legged across from Hiro. 

Forest carefully placed the bot on the inside of the ring, and waited for the woman with jet black hair to announce when to go. When this signal was called, Forest recklessly smashed her frosted fingertips against the controls, immediately demolishing her opponent's bot. She smiled slightly, not trying to come out as cocky, or anything in that category. The crowd went completely silent, amazed that one little girly bot could do such moves on Hiro Hamada's bot. 

She collected her money, and happily left, having a bit pep in her step. Suddenly, there was a small tap on Forest's shoulder. She quickly whipped around, and saw Hiro. His face was slightly flushed pink, but it was pretty hard to tell the difference in the light that they were in. "Um, hi," said Forest, more to herself to him. "Oh, hi," Hiro said, with a shot of enthusiasm in his voice. "I just wanted to ask what your name is. You know, in case we meet again." 

Forest cocked a brow, yet looked down timidly. "I'm Forest. And you are...?" "Hiro. Hiro Hamada." She nodded in a quick, small way, and quickly scurried off before their conversation could get even more awkward than it was at that very moment. As Forest neared the apartment buildings, she thought, Wow that boy's cute! That's when doubt intertwined with her thoughts. But a guy like him wouldn't like a girl like me. Besides, he and I only met once. It can't get any further than one meeting. 

Once Forest got to the apartment buildings, she saw her mother waving from the window. She smiled, and quickly made her way to the apartment of where her mother was. Once Forest took her first step though the apartment door, her mother ran at her to embrace her tightly. "Forest! Where were you? You never tell me where you are going nowadays!" exclaimed her mom, hugging her with all her might. 

Forest smiled against her mother's soft sleeve. "I was at... A coffee place," she lied, and smiled at her mother, trying to persuade her that her lie was true. "Ooh! Did you meet a boy?" asked her mother, sounding more happy than usual, since... Well, she was depressed at the time. "In fact, I did," answered Forest, flushing slightly. Her mother smiled widely. "What's his name?" Forest flushed even more. "Hiro Hamada." 

Her mother continued to squeal, overjoyed for her daughter. "Ooh," said her mother, now sitting Forest down in their mismatched furniture. "Isn't he a black haired boy? That has that aunt who works at the Lucky Cat Cafe?" Forest shrugged. "I don't know about the aunt and cafe part, but the black haired dude part sounds like him," said Forest, and stood up, sighing again. "Now, mom, I gotta get to bed, 'cause I'm starting high school tomorrow. And I can't be sleeping late like all those idiots in high school in those fake reality shows. Now, je te aime, and good night." 

Forest placed a small kiss on her mother's frizzy brown hair, and smiled at her. "Je te aime trop," said her mother, and smiled a small smile back at her daughter. As Forest made her way up the stairs and to her room, well, new room, she began to get sucked deep in thought. "Great, I have freaking high school tomorrow," she uttered, now laying herself in her daybed. She put her hands behind her head, and slid on her black Sony headphones onto her icy blue head, with the smallest smle on her small pink lips. 

Ve-gas lights where villians spend the weekend

The deep end, we're swimming with the sharks until we drown

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