Chapter 1

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It was early morning in Argus, the sun barely risen. Near the forest's edge, which is being pushed further and further back, there were woodcutters cutting down trees. One woman was mid swing when she heard growling.

"Guys, stop." she told the others.

"What is it, Robyn?" one of the other woodcutters asked.

"I heard something..." Robyn whispered.

Then from the fog, six wolves emerge. They were snarling and baring their teeth. Everyone but Robyn flees, screaming 'WOLF!'. Robyn tries to run, but she is surrounded by the wolves.

"Stay back, you beasts, stay back!" Robyn commanded, threatening the wolves with her axe.

She swings her axe at one wolf, but it dodges and bites the axe's handle in half. Then another wolf swipes it's paw at Robyn, scratching her shoulder pretty bad and knocking her down.

"No, no, no..." Robyn whimpered fearfully as the wolves inch closer and closer.

Suddenly, the wolves stop and take a few steps back. Scared, confused, and holding her bleeding shoulder, Robyn watches as a man and a young girl come out of the woods. They looked slightly wild and seemed to have control over the wolves. As the man and girl approached Robyn, the wolves ducked their heads and moved to stand behind them. The man and girl crouch near Robyn and place their hands on her injured shoulder. While the wolves and the strangers were howling, golden glowing wisps emitt from the man and girl's hands, healing Robyn's shoulder.

"You're...y-you're wolfwalkers." Robyn gasped.

"" the man told her.

Robyn scrambles to her feet then runs back to town. Walking back into the forest, the wolves follow at the man and girl's heels. Upon entering the forest, the man and girl meet up with another man and girl.

"What are we gonna do, Tai?" the dark haired man asked the blonde.

"I hate to say it, Qrow, but I think it's best if the pack relocates." Tai replied.

"I think you're right...the forest keeps growing smaller, and they're hunting us down." Qrow sighed.

"We should head out, search for a new home...where we can be safe." Tai suggested.

"What about the girls?" Qrow asked.

"They'll stay here and watch over the pack in our absence." Tai answered.

"Don't worry Dad and Uncle Qrow, Ruby and I will take good care of the pack while you're gone." the blonde girl promised.

"Just remember to keep each other safe, Yang." Tai told his daughter.

"And don't go near that town, Ruby." Qrow told his niece.

Two weeks later, in the town of Argus, a young girl with ginger hair, named Penny, lives in a small cottage with her uncle, Clover. He wasn't related to her, but she had been living with him ever since her parents died. Right now, Penny was playing around when she was supposed to be doing her chores.

"🎶Wolf, wolf, kill the wolf. Hunt them far and yonder. Wolf, wolf, kill the wolf. Till all the wolves are done for.🎶" Penny sang as she stalked around the cottage with her crossbow.

She shoots an arrow at a wolf poster hanging on the front door. The arrow strikes the drawn wolf right on the nose. Then the doorknob starts to jiggle and Penny quickly hangs up the crossbow and grabs the broom and begins to sweep the floor.

"Hello, Penny." Clover greeted entering the cottage.

"Salutations, Uncle Clover!" Penny said with a bright smile.

Clover saw that an arrow was poking through the door and chuckles.

"Well...I see you've finished your chores." Clover said poking the tip of the arrow.

"Yep! Just finishing up the sweeping now." Penny replied.

As Penny continues to sweep the floor, Clover comes over and takes her crossbow off it's hook. He examines it then points it at the poster on the door.

"So, what range do you think this thing has? Ten...fifteen feet?" Clover casually asked.

"Nah, twenty at least." Penny said with a smug grin.

"Ah, is that so?" Clover replied.

"Uhh, I mean, I guess it does. It's not like I ever tested it out, cause everyone knows that children aren't allowed outside the wall." Penny said quickly.

"That's right, so enough with this." Clover said placing Penny's crossbow on a higher hook where she couldn't reach.

Penny sighs sadly then slumps her shoulders and hangs her head. Frowning sympathetically, Clover places his hand on Penny's shoulder and tilts her head up.

"I know things have changed a lot since moving here..." Clover sighed.

"I miss Atlas!" Penny interrupted.

"I know, Penny, I know. But we'll have a good life here in Argus...I promise." Clover said.

He kisses her forehead and ruffles her hair.

"Can I at least go hunting with you?" Penny asked.

"No. The wolves are too dangerous." Clover shook his head.

"I'm not afraid of a wolf." Penny argued, folding her arms and pouting.

"You've never even seen a wolf." Clover told her.

"Still not afraid of one." Penny mumbled.

"Penny. No. You're too young. I will hunt the wolves, just as General Ironwood decreed, and you'll stay inside and take care of the house." Clover said sternly.

"Remember, Penny...we all must do as we are told." he added.

"*sigh* Yes, Uncle Clover." Penny said pouting more.

"Come on, put the broom away. I'll make lunch and then head out for some hunting." Clover said booping Penny's nose.

With a smile, Penny helps her uncle make lunch and has a nice meal with him. When they were done, Penny washes the dishes while Clover puts on his hunting gear and grabs his own crossbow.

"Can I at least follow you to the gate?" Penny asked with big puppy-dog eyes.

"No, you can not. Just stay here and stay safe." Clover replied putting on his cloak.

He gives Penny one last hug before leaving. Penny waits until he's far enough away before grabbing her cloak and crossbow, and sneaking out the window to follow her uncle to gate at the edge of town.

Running With The Wolves (A Nuts-and-Dolts Wolfwalkers AU)Where stories live. Discover now