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And this is how Changbin found himself in a fake relationship situation.

Except not even dating. Fake Exes. I'll get my friends to be nice to you, I promise, Felix said and Changbin could only agree to those hopeful dark brown puppy eyes. They'd play friends who happened to have broken up after a short relationship.

Felix left with a promise to bake him brownies as thanks, and Chan sighed.

"I wish you would fake date him, Binnie," he said, looking toward the door Felix had disappeared behind.

"Me too," Changbin agreed. "Literally if I could go back in time I'd smack myself unconscious and when I see Felix in the cafe I'd just ask him out first thing."

Chan looked thoughtful. "If that doesn't disturb him to the point of running away, maybe this would then cause him to refer to you as his current boyfriend –"

"What the fuck," Jisung said, "you're so weird. I hope I won't be like that when I have a crush."

"Oh no," Chan widened his eyes. "Binnie, do you think you have a crush on him?"

Yes, Changbin thought. "No," he said. "At least I don't think so? I literally saw him three times. How can I have a crush on him? Sure, he's beautiful and his voice is nice and he looked so cute in that sweater and his legs, did you see his legs? But um, how can I have a crush?"

Chan and Jisung stared at him.

"You called him, and I quote, 'the Only Man,' Binnie-hyung," Jisung said slowly.

"Haha," Changbin fake chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

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