What Happened to Planning?

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"When you said your brother would start trying, I didn't think it would be so soon!"

"What do you mean?"

"He's been calling like crazy!"


"Yes! He used to call once every 3 days. 2 weeks ago it was every 2 days. Since you called on the weekend, it's been once every 12 hours and now it's either a text or calls EVERY HOUR"

"Every hour you say?"

"Yes, I say! My ears are bleeding from the constant ringing"

"Can't you just turn on Do Not Disturb or turn off the ringer?"



"Do you have to have a smart answer?? Can't you let me complain in peace?!"

"Sorry sorry"

"And anyway, you're the one who wanted to make a plan, WHERES THE PLAN?"

"WE were supposed to do it!"

"Ha! If my brothers had it their way, you'd be an only child already"


"Exactly. Also, Alicia mentioned something the other day about your mom getting married?"

"...she just...mentions stuff just like that huh?"


"Why do you sound so unsure?"

"Well, it depends on how would you define mention?"

"What did you do?"

"Who? Little old me?"

"Yeah, you. The cunning, smart-mouthed little general old you"

"Well, I never! I'm as sweet as a lollipop"

"Yeah. The ones that slice your tongue on the way out"


"Spit it out"





"I MAY have...only may though...have read her Their Files"

"Their Files? What like she writes up a profile on people? Good joke Missy"


"Oh my Go- you're not joking are you??"

"She originally wanted to be a psychology major. Old habits die hard, I guess"

"That's...that's...and you call me a stalker?!"

"It's not stalking! It's profiling! So she knows how to deal with people depending on their quirks"

"That's what our brain is for!"

"It's not going to remember everything, which is why she writes some of it down. She would've made an amazing profiler"

"Some?! She just got a whole lot scarier"

"Ahh, you'll get used to it. It's endearing anyways"


"She treats you based on you and not based on anyone else. It adds a personal touch and makes the relationship more meaningful"

"I guess so...but it's still kinda scary"

"Doing worry I'll save you"

"I believe you"

"Back to your brother, we need ideas!"

"Right. Well, for one you guys could intercept the pizzas"

"Logan's way ahead of you on that one. He can't wait"

"I believe you. He sent me a pre and post-poo picture the other day"

"He showed you his excrement?!"

"Eewewewe. NO!? Gross Missy, gross. A picture of his face. He went from green to pink"

"Oh my gosh, that is too funny. You HAVE to send me those"

"I would if I had your number. You still call from Alicia's old phone"

"I've become the unofficial owner of the phone since Lish barely uses it and avoids all calls from this one"

"So do I save this one like yours or is there another one I should save?"

"Are you asking me for my number soldier?"

"Yes, ma'am, General Missy, ma'am"

"I'll text it to you after"

"Thanks, darling"

"See! I knew you liked it!"

"I never said I liked it for me"

"Party pooper"

"I'll leave that to Logan"



"..how come you haven't called in a while? Are you okay?"

"A while?"

"You haven't called in a week"

"Awww. Did you miss me, Missy?"

"Shut up. You're the one who missed me"

"Yet you're the one asking why I didn't call"

"Well, I- You...I'm not talking to you"

"You did miss me!"

"As if!"

"Missy really missed me. Missy, really missed me"

"Stop singing and leave me alone"

"Oh Missy, Oh Missy. How much did ye miss MEEEEEEE-"

"Don't think I don't notice that you're trying to avoid talking about your mom but just know I'm here if you need anything"

*Your call has ended*


Happy birthday (early or belated too)


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