Skate park

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he punched back then punched me in the stomach a few times and then I punched him back in the stomach then in the face till he was on the ground.  I kept punching till he wasn't fighting back anymore.

"If you ever come near her again or talk to her or even look at her I won't stop until you're dead" I said and I walked away

———present time———
Anna's POV
"What the hell I told you stop fighting" I yelled at her

"I know I'm sorry" she said putting her head down

"Look at me" she looked up

"I love you but you can't fight everyone just because there mean to me" I said

"Yea I know but he needs to stay away from you" she said

"I can handle him" I said walking up and putting my arms around her

"But I can do it for you" she said looking slightly down at me

"I admit you are hot when you're mad" I said leaning in

"So im only hot when I'm mad" she asked

"No there's other ways" I said kissing her

"Hey y/n me and the guys are gonna go skate we wanted to know if you want to come with us"  Zack said walking in

"Umm yea sure cock blocker" I said looking at Anna then back at him

"Okay whatever be ready in 10" he said and walked out

"Are you sure? I can just stay here" I said

"No no go ahead" she said

"Just come with us" I said

"No it's fine have fun with the guys I'll be with Sab" she said

"Okay I love you" I said and kissed her

I got my board and walked out of the room and downstairs to the guys.

"Ayy guys let's go" I said walking over

—————-TS to the park————-
"Ok guys let's have a bet.  Whoever can do a double flip in a minute off this ramp gets 40 bucks from each person so that's 140 bucks " I said and they all looked at each other

"Ight you're on" Zack said

"Let's do it" Coop said

"Fine okay I'm in" Christian said

"Me first" Zack said

"Ok 3...2...1... GO" I said and he did it in 40 seconds

"Ha beat that"  he said walking up to us

"Ok I'll go now" Coop said

"Ight ready? 3...2...1...GO" i said and he did it in 43 seconds

"What cmon 3 seconds apart just round down" Coop said walking up to us

"Nah man sorry 43 seconds" Zack said

"Ok ok stop fighting me next" I said and got on the ramp

"Ready? 3...2...1...GO." Coop said

As soon as he did that I was going back and forth to get momentum. I felt the rush and the cool wind in my hair and through my clothes. When I finally took off I did one flip and as I went to do the second I saw the ground was way to close and I wasn't turning fast enough.

"Y/N FLIP" I heard Zack say

Shit shit it was to late everything went dark...

Anna's POV
I was laying in bed with Sab watching Harry Potter when I got a call from Zack

A:Hey what's up

Z:Umm hey Anna Umm don't be mad but something happened and you need to meet us at the hospital

A:WHAT what happened

Z:well we were kinda having a competition and umm well y/n lost 40 bucks

A: Omg there is something wrong with you guys

Z: But Anna y/n isn't waking up

Shit I hung up and I told Sab and we got in the car and she started driving to the Hospital. I didn't know how to feel I was mad and worried and confused. We finally got to the hospital after what felt like a 10 hour car ride and ran out and into the hospital. 

"Hello I'm here for y/n y/l/n" I said to the lady at the front desk

"Okay wait here the doctor will be out shortly" she said and I turned around and saw the guys

I thanked the lady and then walked over the the guys and started punching them.

"Anna calm down god the bet was her idea anyway" Coop said

"Yea but you guys agreed and let her do it" I said still hitting them

"Just stop" Zack said catching my arm and then I started crying

"Anna it's okay she'll be fine she's been through worse" Sab said pulling me in for a hug

"Family of y/n y/l/n?" I heard a doctor say

"Yes hello" I said quickly walking up to him

"Y/n is fine. However the  impact did cause some head trama which is why she passed out. She does have a concussion but I want you all to know this could've been worse, just a foot farther up and she could've been in a coma or died" he said and we all nodded our head

"Sense she is in the ICU only one of you are aloud in so who will it be" he said and they all said me and I guess it's me

"Okay follow me to her room" he said and I followed him

"Do you happen to be Boon?" He asked me

"Yes sir" I answered

"Well she has been asking for you" he said and smiled at me and I smiled back

"Now just warning you she is loopy because of the morphine but that will wear off so you better to get more pain meds from the front and here is a prescription" he said and handed me a slip of paper

I took the paper and looked into the room and saw y/n

"BOON HEYY IM IN HERE" she said waving at me so I walked in

"Shhh y/n be quiet there's other people here" I said giving her a hug

"No you be quiet you're to loud" she said giving me a hug back

"So did I win the bet?" She asked

"No you lost baby you're literally in the hospital" I said

"ANDDDDDD that just means I'm harder then everyone else" she said looking up at me

"Just rest baby I'll be right here okay?" I said

"Okay but can we cuddle" she asked holding her arms out

"Of cores" I said getting in and she layed her head on my chest

I love this girl so much but she needs to be smarter and stop just jumping into things with no second thought.

A/n: sorry for not posting for so long I have extreme writers block so please help me out here and give me ideas...

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