We Cross The Line

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Im 18 and he is 17

We meet each other at social media

I was bored back then,I opened my Messanger and find someone to prank

When I scrolled I saw a name that caught my attention

I started to chat him,im shocked when he replied

I thought he won't reply to my chat,but my tought is wrong,he replied to fast just like a seconds to send emidiately his chat

I started my plan to prank him, All of my chats it just a joke,he didn't know that i starting to prank him

Minutes later my prank was gone, because I am starting to fall in love with him

I didn't think before that he wont message me morning to goodnight,That time I had a feelings for him

One day he confessed at me that he had a girlfriend,I was shocked and I starting to unloved him,starting my chats cold and erasing my feelings

He told at me that her girlfriend had cheated to him, I comforted him

Our convo too long cause the day i started to chat him,our convo didn't stop he always updating me what he will do.

Then I started to ignore him for no reason

I week after i tried to chat him because I miss him so much,he replied emidiately he mad at me that time,I say sorry to him and he forgive me emidiately.Our convo is getting long agin.

Months had passed he confessed at me that he starting to fall in love with me,I was shocked.I confessed to him that i had a feelings to him,he was shocked too

He started to court me and i allow him,Year had passed I say yes to him

Im 19 and he is 18

I am his girlfriend and he is my boyfriend

Full of good vibes and sweetness that time

I already meet his relatives and his parents,he hold  my hands infront of his cousins and tito's

He started to promised me that he wont leave me

He promised me that he will always in my side if I need him

He promised me that me and him will forever

I trusted him a lot,and I believed to his promises,we promised to each other

But one day the old him was changed,he turned to the coldest person,he didn't update me anymore,me and he are always fighting , caused of small thing.

I only did is to understand him maybe he had a problem,I am always there when he need me.As long as I can i won't leave him and i stayed at his side.

That time a had a big problem my attitude getting worst,until we fight again his pride is to high i can't reached it,I say sorry to him but he didn't listen to me.I give up on him and the situation is switched he is saying a sorry for what he did,i didn't listen to him like he did before.

In the end he decided to broke up with me,I didn't fight for it because im tired that time.

I realised that promise it just word that we can hold,a sweet words coming to our loveonce.We trusted them first but in the end PROMISE IT JUST A WORD.

A Story Behind of Beautiful MemoriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon