Episode 1

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  "Cursed Mee6, he steals everything away from me. But I will will not let this continue on for any longer, for today I am prepared for war," Richard shouted, standing in the memes area of an oc roleplay server.
   "Ohh~ you really think so Goose-Kun?" Mee6 appeared, staring a Richard with a flirtatious smile.
   "YOU! You're the one who stole my wife/husband/partner/j! Come over here a fight me at this very second you... you fucking coward!" He shouted.
    Mee6 scoffed, "are we really fighting over Zach's hand in marriage?" His eyes narrowed.
   Richard pulled out a spoon, and in response Mee6 pulled out a fork.
   "Who the hell took my knife?!" Richard shouted, "I wanted to violence!"
   Mee6 pulled out a spork
   "Well too bad," Charlie told Richard after appearing from thin air. She grinned at him deviously, prepared to watch this battle go down.
     Richard charged at mee6 with the spoon and plunged it into his throat. However since it was an unsharpened spoon it just sort of hit him.
    Mee6's grin grew as he stabbed Richard in the eye with the spork/fork thingie.
     Richard punched Mee6 below the belt, at this point he was willing to make cheap shots.
   "Jokes on you, I have no genitals," Mee6 laughed, being our masc non-binary king that he is. Zach laughed.
    "Jokes on you- that was a distraction" Richard stole the spork and stabbed mee6 in the knee with it.
    Mee6 pulled the spork out of his knee and scooped out Richard's eyeballs with it. The bots eyes grew with a bloodlust.
   "That's actually really poggers, I would love to have my eyeballs scooped out," Charlie said as they watched the battle from the sidelines.
    Richard pushed his glasses up his nose, "jokes on you, I was already blind so the spork just hit my glasses. Shattering them"
  Richard, now almost completely blinded, punched towards the blurry figure that he assumed to be mee6.
Cedric appeared, another person fighting for Zach, however he just stood in the corner. If the other two died first then he wouldn't have to do any work. Zach would be all his.
    Mee6 dodged the attack and pinned Richard against the wall. He gave his opponent a wink and a smile while biting his nose off.
   "Kinky," said Zach
   "Mee6 x Richard, enemies to lovers," Charlie said underneath their breath.
   "Where the hell did that wall come from?" Richard asked as he shattered Mee6's nose with a kick.
    Richard panicked for he realized the two others were pulling out their Wattpad accounts.
    Mee6 breathed heavily and used Richard's distracted state to steal his fingers.
   "You can't just steal my fingers, you don't have anything to cut them off with dumbass!" Richard stepped on Mee6's foot and kicked him down to the ground.
    "Oh Richard it's alright, for I am a multi-shipper~ I have so many ships to go around! Mee6 x Richard, Mee6 x Zach, Mee6 x Zach x Richard," Charlie shouted as she showed her Wattpad account to him.
    "All of them involve Mee6... I guess it can't be just Zach and I." A tear fell down the young warriors face.
    Mee6 coughed up blood before cutting Richard's ear off with a buyer knife.
    "Where the HELL did he get a butter knife from?!" Richard shouted.
     He drop kicked Mee6 and then fucking curb stomped him once he was on the ground. "Take that you blue idiot."
   "The more they fight, the more background I have for my story," Charlie said as they typed furiously, Zach stood beside them watching them work.
    Mee6 let out a breathy noise as he stood up and fixed his face. He then jumped at Richard, pinning him against the ground and pushing a pillow against his face. He would make sure this bastard suffocated.
    "If this man can fuckin heal himself, then I guess I also get an overpowered anime level move," Richard whispered as he teleported behind Mee6 and punt kicked him in the throat.
    "Oh god I can't laugh. I'm watching something serious and I don't want them to know," Charlie said while suppressing their laughter.
     Mee6 pushed Richard off him while standing up and coughing up even more blood. They're going to duel now. He began to walk ten paces away.
   Richard laughed.
    "You think I'm going to honor you with ten paces after all of that? Nah bitch," Richard shot Mee6 multiple times.
    "How'd that feel you blue bastard?" He asked as he  reloaded his gun and shot the whole second clip into Mee6. He kicked the bots lifeless body, "now stay down."
    Charlie died of laugher and Richard whispered "double kill".
     Mee6 got back up, coughing up a whole storm of blood. "You think I'll really die that easy bitch?" He jumped at Richard, shooting a bullet through his skull.
    Richard teleported behind Mee6 and smirked behind his ear while pistol whipping him ten times.
    Mee6 grabbed Richard's wrist and looked him dead in the eye, "you can't beat me."
    "Yeah but I can beat the hell out of you, and that's exactly what I'm going to do," he said as he slammed the bot into the ground. He gave his ribs a couple of good stomps.
    He coughed madly, "you really love Zach, huh?"
    Richard grinned while continuing to stomp down on Mee6's chest. A couple of cracks were heard. "Far more than you obviously."
     "Richard I.. I... I..." he coughed up blood, "I... I... I..."
   Richard shifted from curb stomping his chest to curb stomping his face, "now fucking give up already"
    "I... I... I... realize that I don't love Zach. I... I... I... I..  I... I.. I.. love you," Mee6 gasped as he let out his final breath.
   "Well the feeling isn't mutual," Richard replied.
   "Well yeah, of course, he's dead," Charlie said while rolling their eyes.
   Richard smiled at Mee6's dead body, feeling accomplished.
   Zach ran off with Cedric, who was smart enough to just wait for the fight to end.
   "Huh... so Zach is like Zeus and you're like Hera"
   "What?" Richard looked over at Charlie quizzingly.
   "I was trying to be funny. Zach is getting with Mee6, Cedric, etc... and Zeus gets with all the women. You, Richard, are with Zach like Hera is with Zeus."
   A tear slid down Richard's face, "I'm getting cheated on with a fictional sorcerer and a robot."
    "Yes," Charlie paused for a moment, but then grinned, "and I believe Zach is also my mistress."
    "You saw what happened with Mee6 Charlie. You might want to reconsider who is and isn't your mistress."
    "Honestly I don't care, just fucking kill me. I dare you," Charlie said to him.
   "No. You'd enjoy it too much"

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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