8. Stay With Me

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"G-George?" Dream stuttered, a painful lump forming in his throat. George hurriedly closed the tab he was on, and hesitantly turned to face the younger. Oh no.

"What's up Dream?" He said, nervousness blatant in the shakiness of his tone. He looked stunned, and knew he was caught red handed.

"Y-You're leaving me?" Dream barely choked out. He fought back the salty fluid threatening his emerald orbs.

"Dream, I don't know what to do anymore. What happened the other day..." he trailed off, "it's clearly put a wedge between us. Maybe it was wrong of us."

"Wrong? George, how could you willingly kiss me back and then ignore me for days? You just shut me out of your life like you couldn't care less about me" Dream's voice was strained and harsh- it was obvious he had been crying for days, and it made George's heart ache deeply.

"I-" He was quickly cut off as the angered boy continued.

"I've been wracking my brain for reasons you would do that to me. I hate this. I can't deny that there's something between us, but I'm willing to look past what happened to have you in my life. I just need you George, more than I've ever needed something or someone in my life. Please tell me why you've shut me out".

George was truly at a loss for words, mouth struggling to form a proper sentence. Dream now had tears slipping down his sun kissed cheeks, leaving slick clear marks behind, traces of the pain George had caused him. He did this to him, and it tore his sorrowful heart in two.

"I- I don't know Dream. I'm bad at expressing myself..."

"Just try, please." He was practically begging.

"I didn't want to ruin what we have, and I'm scared of my emotions. I'm bad at letting people in and you basically crashed right through me when that happened. I realize now I kind of ruined our friendship either way" George felt a slight weight fall from his hunched shoulders, and he even let a few tears coat his dark lashes. He looked down at the bed sheets and rolled lint between his index and thumb anxiously.

"I will do anything to have you in my life," Dream grazed beneath the boy's chin, softly pressing so he was looking up to him now. He sat close to him on the bed, words coming out slow like molasses as if to prove they're true, "If you just want to be friends and move back to how it was before, I'll take it. I'll have you in any way I can. Just please, don't leave me" he was almost full on sobbing at this point. George pulled him into a warm hug, squeezing his sunken shoulders tightly.

"I'm sorry I did this to us. I'm not really sure how to feel, if I'm honest. This is all so new"

"It's okay, George. You don't need to figure it out now, or at all. Just stay with me, and we can go back to being best friends. I miss you." Dream ran his fingers through the older's hair, pulling back to gaze deep into the pools of dark chocolate that graced the space beneath his brows. He needed him to know he meant every word. If George wanted friendship, he would take it, for him.

"I miss you too, you don't even know," George smiled brokenly through sniffles, "just give me time to think things over. But, I would like for things to go back to how they were."

"Anything for us." Dream spoke tenderly, a bittersweet grin replacing his frown. George couldn't fathom how lucky he was to have someone in his life as understanding as Dream.

They sat in silence, once again falling into each other's embrace for what felt like an eternity of relief, before pulling away to regain contact. Their faces were both soaked and flushed red. George's hair was utterly disheveled from the older raking his digits through it over and over again, and Dream's stomach did flips at the sight. He knew in that moment, he would do absolutely anything for his love, no matter what it meant for the two of them.

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