Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Going out where?" Lissa asked, confusion marring her forehead.

"Somewhere. Now better finish up and get dressed into something comfy and casual because it's a casual-night out" was all her husband Lucca said before he dished up and finished his meal before she could even utter a word out. Confused and suspicious to what her husband's plans were; Lissa decided to go along with it and might just found out what it was her husband was hiding away from her. The reminder of his secret conversations in his study lurked in the back of her mind and she refused to go into it at the moment as it not only upsets her immensely but also not good for her condition. Lissa made a mental note of checking her diary for her next appointment so that she could take care of her little munchkin in her tummy even more better.

She left her dish plates in the sink and Lucca urged her to go on and get ready with a playful swat on the butt which made her yelped in surprised before glaring at him and storming up the stairs. There was something wrong with her husband, Lissa thought. Never had she ever seen him this cheerful out of their present short-marriage; it was even more odd that Lucca was taking her out in a not-important event to which she'd never had participated for as he made sure that Lissa could only be with him in ball events that she was not yet accustomed to even to this day and never really liked as many women there was such snobs and the people that she could not ever stand. But of course, being the good house-wife that she was, she never mentioned a thing to Lucca.

Sighing softly, she opened her closet and rummaged through her clothing. A brown, leather jacket hung on her wardrobe and Lissa grabbed it along with a pair, denim of jeans and a short-shirt that shows her curves. Shrugging, she took off her clothes and put them on and from her reflection in the mirror her baby bump was fully developed and very noticeable. She placed both of her open palms on the surface of her growing belly and noticed that she was glowing. It had been months since she had seen herself radiating a little with life as her baby continued to develop and in just a few more months he or she will emerged and will be welcomed into the world with so much love and adoration for him or her. Adjusting her shirt, she pulled her jacket on and grabbed a pair of low-heeled pump shoes and met up downstairs with Lucca.

He was waiting by the sofa, seated with his laptop open and propped on his knee. He was typing and Lissa guessed that he might be replying back to his business e-mails and tried not to let her mind dwell on the negative side. She slowly descended the stairs and greeted her husband shyly. Lucca looked up and whistled appreciatively under his breath as he took in his wife's form and figure. "I'm ready" Lissa said, as she fiddled with her fingers nervously and gazed up at him. Her husband grinned sheepishly as if he was caught admiring the beauty before him. She noticed that Lucca was also wearing a leather jacket but in the colour black; it fitted snugly against his muscular chest and damn if he didn't look good. She was still taken aback at how handsome her husband could be and the fact that he was also wearing worn-out but comfortable jeans that even completed his sexy look.

"You look amazing, cara" Lucca said huskily. He took his time in admiring her sight and so long that it made her nervous and snap sharply.

"I thought we're going?" she propped.

"Yes, ma'am" he said, amusement laced with his tone.

Lissa waited until her husband had stepped outside their household and thought over the way he looked at her. Shaking the thought mentally, she locked the door and got inside the car with the man she truly loved who couldn't ever return her feelings. Lucca turned down the window slightly as heat was starting to seep into the vehicle and she was thankful enough to let the wind blow her unruly hair. Lissa had always been one for long drives and just enjoying the way the breeze combed its way into her hairline and she took a deep breath. Everything these days were a surprised to her as for a moment; she was starting to believe that Lucca was making an effort and trying to be the husband that she'd always hoped for when they first gotten married. Thinking about it now, she could say that she had wasted a good amount of time in taking care of him and trying to gain his attention when Lissa realized she lost herself within the process. Whatever happens tonight would probably just a dream that she would wake-up to and she would come back into the cold, hard reality. 

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