I'll Wait For You

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Duncan chuckled as he watched Courtney trip over herself after being completely soaked in the green jelly that she hated so much. She stood there frozen in pure terror and then started flailing her arms up and down and frantically ran off. All this while she was screaming was too much for Duncan to hold back his laughter. He had already finished the obsta-kill course but the best part was watching her freak out. He couldn't stand her anymore but still was able to be entertained by her suffering. 

"Courtney! You're okay! You're doing great!" 

That rehead guy, Scott. The way he and Courtney seemed to be getting close lately made Duncan want to puke. Yeah, Courtney was hot but what in the living hell did Courtney see in this dirtbag? Duncan was a bad guy but at least Duncan had style. Scott was as plain as dirt. Scott wasn't bad looking but he was just cruddy. He knew Courtney's standards were low, but this was the lowest she's ever gone. She was downgrading after Duncan, that was for sure. 

"Hahaha. Hey Courtney! You look better in that green goo! It suits your snotty attitude!" Duncan shouted over Scott. It felt good to finally say something to Courtney since she had been blanking Duncan for a while. He needed to get her attention somehow. Scott turned towards the delinquient and squinted his eyes.

"What's your problem dirt boy?" Duncan asked. 

"Was just about to ask you the same thing?" Scott's eyes seemed to pierce through Duncan. Duncan just ignored his icy look. Why was Scott so different now? From what Duncan's seen and heard about him, he was a total dick. In Revenge of the Island, he was a completely different guy. A dark and manipulative jerk. What changed him? Could it be-?  

"Courtney! Be careful!" Scott yelled back to her as she almost tripped again.  

"You've got something for Courtney, don't you?"

Scott gritted his teeth and turned back towards Duncan. 

"And if I did, why would you care?" Scott glared furiously at Duncan. 

"Sorry, but I just don't think guys like you are her type."

Scott at first looked angered but then his mouth curled up into a small smirk. He turned his back once again on his punk teammate. 

"Well, she dated you didn't she?" 

Duncan couldn't come up with a faster and better comeback. He lowered his voice a bit as Scott still kept his eyes on Courtney. Scott looked like he was watching her every move, hoping she didn't screw up and get herself hurt. 

"Look, I'm just trying to warn you about her. She's not what you think."

Scott didn't want to give Duncan any more attention, although it did piss him off at how Duncan talked about Courtney.

"Oooo. Are you trying to make me scared of her?"

"She's bat shit crazy dude. She'll pull you in and right as you think you're with her, she'll tear your whole world apart. She'll push you around, make you change yourself, and she will bring you down on yourself. She will use you because she knows that you don't have any self esteem. All of that shit for nothing." Duncan noticed Scott wasn't really listening to him anymore and was more worried about Courtney. Duncan leaned in and whispered. 

"Yeah dude, she made me go through so much and not once did she put out. She's not worth it dude." Duncan left it at that when he noticed Scott stopped yelling words of encouragement to his burnette ex. Scott turned and upper cutted Duncan as hard as he could and Duncan almost went out cold. Duncan laid out on the grass and then felt the sole of Scott's shoe on Duncan's throat. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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