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(Ah ha ha. I'm not sorry about how last chapter ended)

(Also, I'll make a small sketch of her outfit when I have time but I won't be drawing much for now. I'm doing my first paid commission for my sister. Yay)
(future Val: I never did but I need to cause I want to draw her characters and get paid for it.)

I laid in my bed, my head rushing with thoughts of the day prior. I sighed, getting up for the day. I'll talk to him about the kiss later. I dress myself relatively appropriate, wearing a white pirate like dress shirt that didn't show my cleavage for once. I slip on high waisted pants and tied up my hair into a ponytail, nodding to myself in the mirror. I leave my room, walking down the hall into the office. I find no one in there, making me hum. I guess people are out today. I sit down at my desk, taking out the map of E-rantel before frowning. Is this all that we were able to retrieve? Not much. I summoned one and labeled the key points in it, smiling to myself.
" 'Duplicate Item'. Map. "I said, using magic to duplicate the labeled map. I set the second one on Ainz Desk, putting mine in my inventory where it disappears. I leave the room, pausing when I see both Ainz and Albedo, I felt my cheeks heat up at seeing Ainz, my thoughts going off about what happened yesterday only for green to cover me. I smiled at the two.
"Greetings Albedo, Ainz."I said, seeing his gaze linger for a second.

"Hello my Lady."Albedo said, smiling at me. I moved so they could go in, Ainz seeing the map. I smiled.

"I labeled all the existing places we currently know of. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving."I said, leaving the room. I head back to my room, working there instead. Let's see how supplies are doing.

(future val: I did, I just forgot about it. This is normal for me)
(From what I'm watching, not too much happens so far in season two. With that being said I can definitely add in stuff to bring certain people together.)
I snapped my eyes open, feeling sweat roll down my neck as I sat up. I felt my throat tighten as I tried to breath, something near me quickly running into the hall. I stood, almost falling as I found my desk. I closed my eyes, trying my hardest to breath. Dammit. Green flashes fill the room as someone walks in, my breathing finally calming down. I feel a hand rest on my back, making me bare my fangs as I turn. I froze when I saw....

"My Lady, are you alright?"Demiurge asked, making me look away.

"For now, I am. It's nothing I can't handle."I answered, feeling a nudge to my hand. I looked down, smiling at Xinkf.
"I'm okay. Don'y worry."I said, seeing the creature nod.

"T-That's... Good m-my..... Creator..." he said, static like voice crackling here and there. He looked at Demiurge, placing his hand on him and one on me.
"Watch.... Her......" He said, turning and leaving the room. We sat there in silence. I kept my gaze away, ashamed and embarrassed he had to see me like this.

"My Lady.... What caused this?"He asked, making me look at him. I could see his ears bend down, watching me with sadness.

"I...... If you could, promise me you won't speak of this to anyone. I'll explain why since your one of the few I trust but please don't tell anyone else..."I said, looking up at him with a small smile. His ears twitched upward, a second going by before he bowed his head.

"Of course, my Lady. I will never tell a soul."He said, making me nod.

"Before I came here I...... I lived in a bad environment, one that haunts me to this day through dreams. I had.... A dream... How childish of me to still be dreaming of such things like the boogyman is out to get me."I chuckled at the end, looking away.

"I don't think it's childish. You went through something that sounds traumatic. It's understandable."He said as I stood slowly, helping me go to my bed. I shook my head.

"That's the thing..... It wasn't..... They weren't......."I struggled, not knowing whether I should explain it fully.

"My Lady, if you aren't comfortable explaining fully then don't force yourself to."He said, hesitantly wiping a stray tear from my face. I stared at him, my face slowly turning to one of sadness.

"..... I want to.... I trust you..."I quietly said, taking his hand and pulling him to sit on my bed.
"..... I grew up in a emotionally abusive household. I did so for years until.... Until I ran."I explained, not looking at him.
"I made a life for myself, one where I met all the Supreme Ones."I said, smiling a little.
"Ainz actually introduced me...... We stayed in contact onl- um long range before I traveld to meet him."I said, looking at him. He watched me closely, listening.
"Oh look at me, rambling about my life."I chuckled, shaking my head.
"To be frank, my home life before all this wasn't the worst. Even so, I still have nightmares about it. How pathetic."I frowned, closing my eyes. I look over at Demiurge again, looking away.
"If you'd like, you may leave. I'm sure this isn't something you'd want to hear from one of your Supreme Ones, especially one who isn't truly one."I said, sighing. I felt my hand get squeezed, my eyes widening as I looked down.... I never let go of his hand.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know I-"I began, going to take my hand only for him to stop me.

"My Lady, allow me to reveal something to you. All the guardians here looked at you fondly before you became a Supreme one. Even those who you've never had a conversation have looked to you with a smile before you were given your title. Please don't think of yourself less than our Supreme beings, especially belittling yourself for faults that aren't your own. Any experience, good or bad, can leave an impact. Your not pathetic for fearing it, your strong for smiling every day even after reliving it. You're...... Your truly amazing."He said, my mouth opening slightly. I closed my mouth, looking away. I felt my lips tremble slightly.

"..... Thank you." I whispered, feeling him hug me from the side. I turned and fully hugged him, burying my face into his neck. We stayed like that, feeling him silently hum to me. Soon enough I felt my eyes close, hugging him more.
"Thank you Demiurge."I quietly said, feeling my body slowly go limp.

"Always, my lovely Lady."
I woke up, feeling an arm around my waist. I tensed up, realizing my heads in a chest. I slowly look up, seeing a sleeping Demiurge. I felt my cheeks heat up, my thoughts going wild. I took a breath, keeping myself calm. My eyes snapped back to him as he made a small noise, his diamond like eyes opening. He looked down at me, his eyes widening. He immediately let go of me, almost falling off the bed.

"M-My Lady! I'm so sorry for staying in your bed."He apologized, standing and bowing his head. I smiled, shaking my head.

"Demiurge, it's ok. To be truthful I enjoyed the company."I said, my face heating up. I covered my mouth as I watched his tail wag, giggling a little. I stood, going over to him. I gave him a small hug, feeling him hug me back.
"Thank you. Your forgiven for what you said."I said, nuzzling my face into his chest a little. I love affection. Why did I hate it when I was human? I let him go, turning. I grab some clothes, glancing back at him.
"Unless you want to watch me get dress, I suggest you leave Demiurge~" I said, smirking at him. I watch as his face grew red, quickly bowing his head.

"I'll take my leave, my lady."He said, quickly leaving. I chuckled to myself. For someone who's so confident, he becomes putty when teased. I frowned.... He must like me if I have that effect..... I was deep in thought while I dressed myself in my normal jester attire, humming in thought as I left my room. Albedo definitely likes me, mostly cause of what Ainz did to her. Ainz..... I don't know if he likes me or if it was in the moment. Maybe I shouldn't be focusing on wanting-...... Do I want a lover?

(Edited 9-16-21)

(edited 1-10-22)

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