E's epilogue Part 2

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As NCC-1701-F was being treated E was taking all this information in and it was a lot to take in as she was also being treated.

E: So your my daughter huh...now i know the feeling

NCC-1701-F: Where have you been the whole time?

E: Uuuuuuhhhh that's a long story a very very long story 

Mercy: How long?

E: I think half a year 

Lexington: {Gets a message} Huh hold on i gotta take this {Leaves the room}

E: Okay here we go...

After half an hour of explaining everything in the simplest manner possible.

E: And that's what happened yeah it's a lot

NCC-1701-E: Damn...that's a lot....

After that long explanation Lexington returned from her call.

Lexington: I'm back it was Starfleet command Enterprise Senior their calling her is to be brought to Starfleet headquarters  for questioning tomorrow at 10

E: Wait a sec Senior....? Senior....well i'll be damned...

Mercy: It seems that your time travel theory is the reason for your increase age depending on how far you went and how long you stayed but your check ups are complete your ship is gonna need some refurbishment but your good to go get some rest 

NCC-1701-F: She can sleep in my quarters 

Later on that night in NCC-1701-F's quarters E was getting used to her new surrounding a much much more advantage room instead of beds there were sleeping chambers.

NCC-1701-F: You okay?

E: Y-yes i'm fine...how do these things work?

NCC-1701-F:{Getting in it} You just climb in and lay down then you use the pad to set the time and close it you'll be put into a cryo sleep for the amount of hours once the chamber opens you'll wake up 

E: Okay...i guess.....

As she climbed into the chamber at imputed for a total of 8 hours and as the chamber began to close she felt it getting bitter cold then she felt like her whole body had gotten stiff forcing her to close her eyes. Many many hours later it was the next day about 8 AM as her chamber was opening she could see the light once more as got up the sun was high and mighty as she climbed out along with her daughter as she looked out of the window seeing the activity outside as everyone was going about their day.

NCC-1701-F: Morning

E: Oh good morning

NCC-1701-F: So how was your first cryo sleep?

E: Weird...thank F ...or hmmm i need a name for you to distinguish us two can i just call you Jr instead?

Enterprise Jr: More like Jr x 60 cause of everyone before us 

E: Hah well said kid

Enterprise Jr: Come on i'll show you the mess hall

After walking down the massive corridors they were in the mess hall it was huge enough for over 14,000 people as they went to grab their breakfasts there was some gosip among the starships as to their very similarities in appearance as they were eating Jr asked about E's time with her predecessors.

Enterprise Jr: So how was it like seeing all the others before us?

E: Woah it was a amazing time....

Enterprise Jr: How good was it?

E: Seeing everyone before and you ah it was both surprising and awesome i think we changed history a bit but when we finally went apart  i remembered we made sure that as we left that this was not written in NCC-1701-A said or as we called her Trek

Enterprise Jr: The legendary A!

E: Yup her {Sips tea}

Later on Jr was bringing E to Starfleet's headquarters E hadn't seen headquarters in a long time now things had changed alot as they were being brought in the transport as they docked on the platform they were ascended on by lots of camera crew with questions and camera flashes going off.

E: Jesus...

Enterprise Jr: Uuuh excuse me pls move...

Invisible: Oi get back!!

Berlin: Move it Scheißkerle!

With some other starships keeping them back the two quickly entered the councils room as they walked upon the federation starfleet council consisting of a ship representatives from all sides of the globe with some council members coming from human colony planets having been built on there. Consisting of USS Constitution, London, Normandy, Content from mars, Spratly from pacifica, and Sovetskaya from Korat. As they two generation ships stood before them.

Constitution:  USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E welcome back it has seem you finally returned 

E: Y-yes i am back

Spartly: Where have you been?

E: Well ma'am i believe i've made a new discovery of travel

London: Speak up...

E: I was on an expedition to the galma sector when i was attacked by Romulan ships i managed to fight them off but i was hurled into a wormhole when i tried to warp my way out i believe with the type of drives we use and the unnatural we can actually bend time and space itself

Sovetskaya: Time huh....

Content: I believe we should discuss this matter later on but it is time we bring out the news we are currently in a state of war 

E: Who is it now Borgs? Cardassians? 

Enterprise Jr: Civil war...

E: Civil War?

London: During the time of which you were gone colonies in the delta quadrant have gone in revolt with number of our fleet joining their side they call themselves the Galactic Resistance Olandic War Forces or G.R.O.W.R for short 

Enterprise Jr: Been going on for a year already we've suffered a lot of defeats from them 

Constitution: Anyway our troops need a figure to rally around and i believe you are that figure we need

Normandy: What we need right now is a hero and you two served as great examples your names echo out to some of the most legendary warships in history

London: You two are to be retrofitted and christened as twin flagships  of Federations Starfleet

Constitution: We need good ships go get em...

Two Enterprises: Yes ma'am

6 months later....after massives reffits all Federation starships in the area were attending the two Enterprise's ceremony as the Federation started to mass it's forces for a large campaign into the delta quadrant . As the two Enterprise's ships left the space docks having been massively refitted as they stand tall on them amongst the crowd of fellow starships.

Constitution: As you represent history in the making in the name of the United Federation of Planets you both are named twin flagships may your ancestors soul be with you in battle

E: So you ready to be a hero

Enterprise Jr: Hell yeah...to where no ships has gone before and beyond...

The End.... 

{I might turn this into its own series maybe....}

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