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Danny was never a disrespectful person until it came to me. I've been friends with him since high school until he asked me to be his girlfriend senior year. Everything was going amazing until it wasn't, i didn't even realize it was toxic until frank pointed it out making me overthink everything between me and danny.

Don't even get me wrong i love him with everything i have, i'd do anything for him. He was just so aggressive sometimes and i couldn't really do anything about it, it was never towards me but more towards people he thought were threats to the relationship.

"Babe , my friends having a party she wants us and the boys to pull up for a bit you down?" i asked danny, his eyes immediately shooting up to look at me from his phone, " who's gonna be there" he said tensing up trying to not look bothered. " i don't know danny it's a party, i know hella people are going tho," i replied getting antsy as he kept staring at me. "yeah i'm down lemme text the boys" he said clenching his jaw. I sighed and continued texting my friend asking for the address and time we should come.


"should i wear this?" i asked holding up a tight black dress showing danny "yeah it looks good on you baby" he said walking up behind me placing kisses on my neck. "stoooppp" i said squirming.

I took a shower and got ready, curling my hair and putting my dress on. I packed a backpack with a back up outfit, a oversized shirt and some baggy jeans with some forces, in case i felt uncomfortable and wanted to change. "Babe!" i heard from the bedroom. "what?" i called out. "hurry the fuck up! we're gonna be late!" i heard danny say slamming cabinet doors making me flinch "o-okay!" i said back sighing and walking down the stairs down to the car.

We got to the party,meeting up with the boys immediately getting stares from everyone there. Danny grabbed onto my hand and led us to the back where the party was taking place. "babe what'd i fucking tell you about that dress" he said, confusing the fuck out of me. " what do you mean? i thought you liked it?" i said taken aback " babe you look like a whore, you're showing too much skin" he said.
there's no fucking way he said that to me what the fuck. " danny what the fuck? why would you say that?!" i said getting mad walking away. "where the fuck are you going?" he said dragging me by the arm to where we were "ow danny! let go of me, your hurting me dude stop!" i ripped his hand off of my arm and walked away, going to find my friend in the sea of people.

"dude what the fuck is wrong with him?" my friend said pouring me a cup of jungle juice. " dude i don't even know" i said looking down, rubbing my arm. "that shit hurt dawg like for real, he hurt my feelings and my arm" i said partially joking. " shut the fuck up" my friend laughed.

We continued talking until her guy friend walked up to us and introduced himself to me, pulling me into a hug. I was two cups of jungle juice down, that i started to forget about danny's weird ass and started to have some kind of fun.

I was making conversation with my friends guy friend, Jason, not wanting to be awkward as she walked away for a second. He kept leaning closer to my ear as it was hard to hear over the music, constantly making me laugh over the stupid shit he was saying. " so i hear you have a boyfriend?" he asked. "what?" i leaned in trying to hear him. " you have a boyfriend?" he said louder putting his hand on my shoulder. "oh my god! yeah! his names danny! he's here somewhere i lost him earlier holy shit" i started to laugh feeling a bit drunk, getting happy to talk about my boyfriend.

" y/n what the fuck!" I heard from behind me. " what?" i said confused not knowing where this was coming from or why i was in trouble, i wasn't doing anything wrong. " What the fuck are you doing?!" i heard danny say grabbing my arm dragging me away from jason. " hey man leave her alone" jason said grabbing danny's shoulder, " shut the fuck up stay out of it" danny said pushing him back. " this is my fucking girlfriend who the fuck are you to be defending her like that? huh? who the fuck even is this lame y/n?" he yelled out making me flinch. " alright dude chill it's not even like that" jason tried to explain, getting cut off by danny pushing him back, causing him to fall.

"danny! stop!" i tried pulling danny back only to get pushed back, getting struck in the face. " danny get the fuck off dude!" i heard logan and julian yell, pulling danny off of jason. " frank!" i sobbed into frank's chest, from the mixture of pain from getting hit in the face and confusion as i didn't know what caused danny to act out.

Frank dragged me out of the house and into the car " frank what the fuck" i said not being able to breathe. " what happened ?" frank asked. " i don't even know i was just- just talking to my friends friend, and fucking danny came and started dragging me by the arm and i don't even know" i cried hyperventilating "i didn't even do anything wrong frank why is he like that" i said. " shhh it's okay you're okay" he pulled me into a hug comforting me. "look at me" i looked up and he examined my face , sighing " your gonna be alright come on, i'll take you home" he started the car and we made our way home.

I got inside changing into some of danny's sweats and a shirt i stole from julians room, they were all like brothers to me so i didn't really care to ask. I walked into the bathroom to take off my makeup noticing a bruise on my cheek start to form. "fuck" i whispered as i started tearing up trying to remove my makeup without it starting to hurt even more.

I heard the front door open immediately hearing danny yell " bro she embarrassed the fuck outta me i don't know why she has to talk to other guys like that bro it's stupid as fuck" he said. " bro it probably wasn't even like that he's most likely a friend of her friend" logan tried reassuring as they walked up the stairs. I went back into the room and layed down on my side trying to sleep before danny walked in. "i'm back" danny poked my side. " alright then goodnight" i heard as he turned the light off and went to sleep. 

bro i never know where to go with these honestly but thank you for sticking around i didn't think anyone would read these but shit for the few people that are reading thank youuu🥰🥰

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