Holding Back

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Hanako called for a meeting, It was actually unnecessary, atleast for the other supernaturals...

Mitsuba: "You're telling me you invited us all here just to play a stupid game of yours?!"

Mitsuba yelled, annoyed

Hanako: "Mhm! Heheheh"

Tsuchigomori: "And whats that empty bottle gotta do with this game of yours? Number 7-sama?"

Hanako: "Were playing spin the bottle!" Hanako giggles.

The rest of the supernaturals just stared at him.

Hanako: "Whaaaaaatt?? It'll be fun! And besides, its not like you have anything else to do!" The ghost says enthusiastically.

The other supernaturals stared at each other, mouthing inaudible words. Then they decided to agree.

It is true, they don't have anything else to do for fun. So they'll play his game. Atleast for now.

Yako: "Fine. But this better be good. Tell us how to play now"

Hanako: "Yay!" Hanako screams.

Hanako: "So, I guess you spin the bottle, and whoever the bottle points at is the one who shall answer any question asked by the person who spinned the bottle. Atleast that's how I heard it."

Hanako: "So! Who wants to spin the bottle first?" He says with a grin.

Yako: "Can I? I've got questions for all of you."

Hanako: "Yyyeeepp! Here you go!"

Hanako passes the bottle to Yako.

Yako spins the bottle just to see it stop towards Tsuchigomori.

Tsuchigomori: "Great, now I've gotta answer a question asked by some stupid fox." Tsuchigomori says sarcastically.

Yako: "Keep quiet emo-spider!" Scolds Yako

Yako: "Now answer me! Why are you so annoying!?"

That was a common question. Since Yako is now living in the boundry of the sensei.
She's always asking that question towards him, but instead of an answer, he just glances at her and continues reading his book.

Tsuchigomori: "Dunno. Maybe cause your such a stupid pain"
He says without hesitation.

Yako: "Why you little.. "

Hanako: "Alright, thats enough you two. Your up number 1!"
He says.

Akane just sat there, looking at his watch, then looks at Hanako.

Akane: "Can't believe I attended this stupid meeting." he mumbles, but it was loud enough for all of the supernaturals to hear, including Hanako.

Hanako: "Welp, you gonna spin this baby or what?" He says, raising the bottle in the air.

Akane: "Fine, geez, your pushy." Akane scolds

Hanako: "I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you, number 1."
He says, smiling.

Akane POV: 'Damn he's

Akane spins the bottle, it slows down after ten seconds, and points at Hanako.

Hanako: "Oh well. You can ask me anything now, number 1. Too personal questions shall not be answered." Hanako says calmly with a hint of threat in his voice.

Akane: "Mkay, can't think of anything soooo...

Akane: "What will you do if you could stop time?"

If I Could Stop Time // HanaNene Fanfiction  Where stories live. Discover now