= I'll Always Be Here =

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Ticking of clocks, song of the birds, and light footsteps. Those were the only things that was heard inside the apartment owned by the couple. It made Yanyan nervous. He had just finished cleaning parts of his and Joseph's shared home when he realised that half of Joseph's closet was gone. The apartment no longer had it's shine, the paint is starting to come off, and the house was quiet. Too quiet.

"I gotta get used to this." The brunette sighed as he paced around the room. Pictures caught his eyes and he got reminded of just how happy they used to be. They went on dates, exchanged gifts on every holiday, laughed at comedy movies 'til 4am, and last but not the least... They were happy. He got reminded of how Seph would always smile before saying "love you" at night. He remembered how they would snuggle up to each other when in need of warmth. He begged for them to go back to  those days where they would dance to slow tunes and smile at each other.

But things can't go back to how they used to be. The gods can't undo the mistakes that has been done. Fate can't go back to their side and make things right. No one can change the decisions that has been made and the plan that was already set. Maybe this was destined to happen, just two lost souls who found comfort and affection from each other.... But they were not meant for each other. The male let out another sigh as he sat down by the edge of the bed, thinking of what to do.

"Seph will be home by 5.." he mumbled as he decided to settle in baking some brownies. "heh.." the male chuckled as he remembered the epic moments when the two would bake together. The times where they would spread cake batter across each others faces and clothes, or the time where they threw flour to each other, and those sweet times when Joseph would play sweet music and go to the kitchen, wrap his arms across Ian's waist as he mixes the batter and he would slowly sway them to the music.

Ian snapped out of his trance as the front door clicked and creeked, indicating someone went inside. A faint "Hey I'm back" was heard and he went to greet his boyfriend, placing the cookies in the oven. "Hey, how was today?" the male asked as he helped fix the belongings of his lover. "...Just like any day. How are you?" it's like that again. The topic of how the boy's day went was avoided and Ian got the signal to stop prying. "oh right..." Ian avoided the male's eyes and continued to fix the shoe racks.

"I... I-it's fine- I'm- I'm fine"  he stuttered, avoiding the pitiful looks of the older male. "Yanie I-"

"Stop.. Please.. I can't-" he felt the waters come and his breathing halted for a few seconds. Nothing can change the fact that the love was fading. Joseph was leaving and he can't stop that. He can't stop the male from his dreams, his chances, and he, most of all, can't change the choice that the male decided. "It's his future Ian.. You can't take that away from him too" this was a sentence that is tattooed on his mind. Ian keeps thinking that all this time.. he robbed Seph of time that was supposed to be spent with the male's friends.

"Ian.. Yanie." Joseph tried to approach the agitated male before him, but his hand stopped just near the back of his lover. Tears were threatening to fall from the younger males eyes and it made his hand clench and his chest ache. He knows. Joseph knows. "You gave him this pain Seph. You made him cry. You should've considered how he feels." He repeated this oon his head as he took steps back and stared at the male. "Yanie I'm sor-"

"Don't. You did nothing wrong I- I'm just so- Uhm I-" Ian tried his very hardest to come up with some weird lie just to avoid facing Joseph's apologies. "I just remembered the sad movie I watched a few hours ago." He lied through his teeth. The last thing he wanted to do is to wreck the older's plans and make the guy pity him. "Alright" Joseph replied, trying to ignore what happened just seconds ago. "I'm just gonna go... to the room."



"Badong let's go out today!" Ian exclaimed as he jumped to the bed Seph was laying in. He was excited to spend time with his lover. He wanted to escape their home that was slowly crumbling down, the emptiness that was dawning on him, and the feeling of longing for the past and how they were before. He wants to forget, even for just a few hours. The sadness was building up in his chest and eating up his soul and he wanted so badly to just spend time of happiness with the person who was the first to make him feel happy.

The Best Day Of Your Life : Is Not With Me || Yanseph || @yanseph_writesWhere stories live. Discover now