~Everything~ (Lifehouse)

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Chelsea's P.O.V

*Ring*, *ring*, *ring*. My alarm clock rang, God I hate that thing. I struggled out of bed and made my way to my bathroom. I locked the door and stripped down to nothing. I stepped in the turned on the warm water. I closed my eyes as the water fell onto my sensitive skin. I grabbed a blue herbal essence shampoo bottle from the shelf in my shower and squirted it into my hand. I rubbed the shampoo in my hair and rinsed it out, same with conditioner. Then, I grabbed a razor and put shaving cream on my legs. I shaved my legs, armpits and, um... down... there... I turned off the shower and grabbed two towels, one for my hair, and the other for my body. I wrapped the smaller towel in my hair and put the other one around my body. I went to my dresser and got out a black push-up bra and under-ware. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun. Then, I grabbed dark skinny jeans and a shirt that says 'YO-LO' on it. I looked at my watch, 6:47. I sighed and out on socks and my brand new plain black Converses I haven't even worn yet. I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. My Mom is at work and my Dad is who knows where. I made toast and put Peanut Butter on it. I ate the toast and rambled outside.


I walked to my bus stop, it's cool outside. I took my phone out of my back pocket and put in my ear phones. I listened to One Direction: I want. I'm actually kind of shy in public, and aroud people I don't know or just met. my buss arrived and I walked in. "Psst..." Someone whispered. I turned my head to see the fake blonde's that go to my school. Ashley, Lindsay and Melanie. I beat the sh*t out of Lindsay in the beginning of Senior year. she acts so tough but she's so weak. "May I help you?" I sassed. "Yes, can I get one slice of your Dad's cock?" Melanie asked me. "Wow, that's so sluttish of you to blow off your classmate's father." I explained. "At least I have a father." Melaine said. "And?" I sassed as I sat down. "Fuck yourself." Lindsay said to me. "I'm sorry I'm not you." I apologized sarcasticly. They had nothing to say so they rolled their cake faced eyes at me and turned around. I smirked and put my head phones back in.


The bus driver droppped us off at school, I got off and started walking. I noticed a limo... "Strange." I thought to myself. I turned my phone off and put it in my back pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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