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This is the story of the one man's  vision, many years of hard work to make his lifelong dream come true. The man who started the project is Göte the middle aged man from Sweden but who now lives in milwaukee. He moved to the USB ough sorry USA from Sweden 15 years ago to start his lifelong dream, it was a dream he had had since he was very small ( about 3 years ago ) His big dream was to make pigs fly,  as wierd as it sounds but I promise it is true! 

To make his dream come true he needed employees so he hired two of his best friends, James and Ms. May.
James, a 69 year old man with white hair living in London. Over the last 20 years James has worked his way up to the highest positions, starting as a mail carrier for Royal mail for many years. Then he somehow managed to become the head of engineering at a business taking cats out of burning skyscrapers, they didn't have very much work in central London so they decided to expand to Anchorage. Jobs were few so sadly the business soon went bankrupt, but that didn't stop James, in his desperate need of jobs he agreed to help  the projekt to make pigs fly.

His other friend and employee,  Ms. May is a 53 years old lady and comes from an unknown location in Australia. (no one really knows where she comes from and there's rumors she's a secret agent from Russia) She claims she had another secret projekt in Australia where they tried to make kangaroos fly before she came to the USB sorry USA and made pigs fly. so maybe she has some experience.

The whole project started in December 1997 when Göte got a lot of cash selling his grandma's big house. At the time he also had a midlife crisis ( might explain a lot ) He started the projekt.
Everything went as planned and just five years later their first pigs started to fly at that moment they had just blown up their lab four times, ahhh success!!

James was ambitious and after their pig success he decided to start testing on humans, maybe they could also fly? He he you're never gonna know if he succeeded!!
* EVIL laughs *

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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