chapter 6:luna steals the moon crystal

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(at corners house)
Amaya: don't worry corner you'll feel better

Corner:I hope so,I don't want to miss any night time missions

Greg:even if you do amaya and I are there

Corner:'coughing'thanks guys'sneezing'

(At school)
Teacher:okay class here are your test results,here you go amaya

Amaya:a perfect 100
Greg:yes 99
Cameron:what an 85
Teacher:looks like corner isn't here
Greg: I'll give it to him
Teacher:okay greg
They were walking to corner's house and saw a moth

Amaya:huh a moth
Amaya: let's stop her pj masks were on our way

Greg:into the night to save the day
(Skipping transformation)
(At hq)
Pj robot:hey where's catboy
Owlette:his sick so we didn't want to disturb him

Gecko: besides this will be a piece of cake

Pj robot:okay
Then a moth entered hq without them knowing

Owlette:okay so what do we know
Gecko:we just saw a moth which means luna girl is up to no good

They saw luna outside on the picture player

Gecko:what does luna want
Owlette: let's check it out
The went outside then the moth hit to vault button and their vault opened the moth took the moon crystal and went to luna

Owlette:what do you want luna
Luna:oh nothing just wanted to show you that I have my Moon crystal

Gecko:what,but it's locked in hq's vault

Luna:not any more
She took the crystal from the moth and powered up

Gecko:oh no
Luna: hahahaha time to fly bye bye pj masks

She flew away
Owlette:to the owl glider

The two flew to catch luna and passed corners house

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The two flew to catch luna and passed corners house

Corners pov
I was lying in bed thinking about missing missions with the PJs because am sick,I then saw luna fly and also the owl glider

Corner:they need my he-'sneezing'help

He transformed
(In hq)
Catboy:hey pj robot 'coughing'
Pj robot:I thought you were sick
Catboy:I am but the PJs need my help 'sneeze' to the cat car

He transformed(In hq)Catboy:hey pj robot 'coughing'Pj robot:I thought you were sickCatboy:I am but the PJs need my help 'sneeze' to the cat car

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He drove off and followed his pj friends
To be continued

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