Story 1 chapter 3 Starfire's story You are fired Wildfire

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"Wildfire we need you to take a test to be a Teen Titan change in policies.",Robin said "Okay I will do this.",Wildfire said "Which villain do you chose?",Robin asked "Even though she is apart of here Starfire.",she said She struck red fire as I shot green fire back at her. The rest of the titans joined in.

After a long battle "You are FIRED!",Robin yelled "I will return for a final battle!",Wildfire yelled "No you won't!",Beast boy said

The next day I couldn't find any of my friends. I saw Wildfire from down the hall. "Wildfire I thought you were the banished!",I yelled She shot red fire at me. I kept shooting Wildfire with green fire but I kept missing Wildfire. "This is for telling my friends the rude stories.",I said as I shot green fire at her "This is for taking my place!",I yelled as I shot more green fire "This is for capturing my friends!",I yelled as the green fire struck her and I freed my friends.

"Thanks Star.",Raven said Wildfire was still lying on the floor. "At least we fired Wildfire.",Beast boy said

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