Chapter Twenty Six: Double Revenge... He Deserves It!

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When Jack turns to go upstairs again, I grab my phone from the table and call Dad.

"Hey, Audrey. Are you coming home soon? It's late, honey."

I take a breath. "Actually, can I stay a little longer? I'm at..." I think super fast. "I'm at Jenna's house and we were going to watch a movie or two. I'll be home in a few hours." A pang of guilt shoots through me, but I try not to focus on it.

"Well...alright. Have fun, sweetie."

"Thanks Dad! I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

I quickly call Jenna. "Hey. If my Dad calls, I'm over at your place for a few hours. Got it?"

There's a yawn on the other line. "Yeah, okay." She pauses, then asks suspiciously, "Where are you actually gonna be and why is it at Jack's house?"

The silence answers her question. "Wait. Are you actually at Jack's?"

"Why was that your immediate guess?" I ask, not giving anything away just yet.

"Audrey, please. I'm not stupid. So, are you there or not?" Her voice has taken on a mischievous tone.

"Okay, okay, yes! I am."

"So...are you going to hook up?"

"No! Jenna! What's wrong with you? We're just going to, like, chill and stuff!" I yelp.

"Then why don't you just tell your dad?" She asks, and I can almost see her smirk through the phone.

"Are you insane? Remember how he acted last time?"

"That's just because you didn't tell him. Plus, it's not even overnight this time."

"Please? Jenna, come on. We're friends! You have to cover for me."

"Ugh. Fine, you're covered for. Have fun!" I can almost hear the wink. She hangs up before I can thank her or kill her.

Jack comes down a couple seconds later, carrying another pair of sweats and a hoodie.

How many hoodies does he have? Not that I'm complaining.

"Here. You look like you need these." He smirks at the way I'm clutching the blanket close to me. "They'll probably be too big for you, but..."

"But I thought Mike and I were the same size."

He clears his throat. "Those aren't Mike's, they're mine." I raise my eyebrows at him, smiling suggestively. He raises his hands. "It's only because he got annoyed after last time. He claims you stretched out his t-shirt during the food fight."

But I only borrowed Mike's clothes in the morning... I had my own stuff on during the food fight. Which means Jack is lying. Interesting.

"I see," I say dryly, "And this wouldn't have anything to do with you wanting me to wear your clothes?"

Oh my god, I did not just say that. Did I just say that? Oh, no.

Whoa, Audrey. What's with the sudden boldness?

Jack raises his eyebrows at me. "Someone thinks very highly of herself."

He didn't deny it...

But that's stupid. He wouldn't want me to wear his clothes for any ulterior motive, right? It's not like it means anything. He's not into me like that, at all, and I'm almost a hundred percent sure of that, no matter what Jenna suggests through her stupid comments. Yeah, sure he cares about me and we're friends, but I can't imagine why he would ever...

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