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Talulah's P.O.V.

My head felt like it weighed 100 pounds and the thought of opening my eyes made me want to cry. In fact, when I did open my eyes, water immediately pooled in them and started to run down my cheeks. It was so bright I had to close my eyes. Did I forget to close my blinds?

I stuck both of my arms out to the side to stretch and that's when I realized I wasn't in my own bed. The sheets were softer and usually one of my arms sticks out over the edge. Whose bed am I in?

I finally open my eyes and sit up.

I'm in Mr. Styles' bed.

What the fuck happened last night?

I look down at my body and realize I am wearing his old Rolling Stones t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. I'm trying not to panic but the slight gap in my memory is starting to scare me. The last thing I remember last night is calling Niall to come pick me up. I sit up and look around for my clothes or really anything. I look to the nightstand on my left and see my phone, plugged in and fully charged. When I pick it up there is a folded piece of paper under it.

Morning Puddin'

Please don't freak out. Everything is fine.

I figured you would need the day to sleep and relax so I gave you the day off.

Don't worry I already spoke to your boss, he said it's fine.

(That was a joke)

Call Ben when you wake up and he'll bring you clothes and food.

I left something for you in the kitchen.

Please don't leave until I come home.

P.S. You're NOT fired.

I read the note at least five times to try to process it. How did I get here? I unplugged my phone and saw that it was 1pm. Holy shit how long had I been asleep?

Before I could wallow in pity and embarrassment I called Ben so I could get my own clothes. My head was buzzing and the ringing of the phone didn't help. Luckily Ben picked up almost immediately.

"Well good morning sunshine," Ben answered.

I groaned into the phone, "If it was anyone else I would be annoyed but honestly your voice is like music to my ears," I heard him laugh on the other side of the call. "I was told to call you when I woke up."

"Yup. I already stopped by your apartment and got you some comfy clothes to lounge in, I have just been waiting for you to wake up so I could go pick you up some food. Now seeing as it's already midday, do you want breakfast or lunch?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

"Alright I will go to Freddie's now. One breakfast burrito with sausage and a berry smoothie coming right up."

"Oh Ben can you-"

"Get extra salsa? Yes I can. I'll see you soon." He hung up the phone before I could say thank you. It didn't matter though I would thank him a million times and give him the biggest hug when he got here. Oh I should probably pick up ingredients to make those triple layer cookies with the jam that his daughters love so much.

Honestly I was grateful that Ben was waiting for me. Had Mr. Styles sent anyone else I would have been creeped out or annoyed but Ben was like family to me. He has a beautiful wife and two gorgeous daughters. They had invited me over a few times for dinner and I could never say no, especially since his wife was such an amazing cook. They even invited me to his birthday dinners every year which I always make pastries for. He knew where my spare key was for emergencies.

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