Chapter 41

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-After school-
Lexi Pov
I was at practice just watching ag coach nothing new except ag giving me less attention each day.The only person i wanna be is that little brat oh my geednesss "Alright guys nice job today make sure you stretch at home today was hardcore wouldn't want yall sore tmr"Ag said "YES MAM"One of the players said and hugged ag.I swear they get touchier everyday,the girls packed up and walked out the door while i walked toward ag she was getting her keys "Hey can we talk"i asked "there's nothing to talk about"she said i got in front of her "What are you doing"She asked "I'm not moving until you agree to talk "Coach!!i have a question"Abby yelled "Now if you excuse me i have to go"Ag said and walked passed.Not surprised it was abby she's the one that have a crush on ag i followed along but slower pace,ag got in her car and i rushed there's no other thing then do this.

Ag Pov
After answering abby's question and thanking her for getting me out from lexi i got in my car.I looked at the soccer field and they were still practicing i smiled as i saw anna playing around and laughing in glad she's mine now.I then reversed the car then drove forward all of a sudden someone decides to get in front of my car.*BOOM* i got out of the car to see the person "Lexi?Why are you in front of my car?"I asked "It was an accident i'm sorry"She said i could tell she was lying but i went with the flow. "Are you hurt"i asked "Idk my leg hurts tho"she says "Alright try standing up"I said "Owww i can't"she said "Ok let's take you to the doctors"i said and carried her in my car.
Julia Pov
"Alright ladies that's all for today remember our game is coming up which will be leading to the finals"Coach said "YES SIrRr!!"We screamed "Hey coach"Mia said from behind "Hey guys"She added "Hey mia"ami said before us "Awww here we go again"I whispered to anna and emmi "Right"They replied.We started walking to our car "Why you come"i asked "Wow so i can't come to watch y'all"mia said jokingly "Nooo you usually don't care about us"i said "Yes i do"she replied "Yea about ami not us"Anna said "Shut up i'm here to take ami"she said "Ooooo ok ok i see y'all"emmi said "Wait let me go get my stuff in annas car"Ami said "Ok"mia replied.Anna and ami walked to her car while me,mia and emmi waited "So how's life"i asked "Good"mia repleid staring at ami "Ayy where you actually taking ami"emmi asked "Just to this restaurant"she answered "Yo what's that"emmi pointed "That's ag and...lexi?"Mia siad "Why is ag carrying lexi?"i asked "Don't tell anna about this"Mia siad "We won't"me and emmi replied "We back"anna said "Ready to go ami"mia asked "Yes"She replied "Bye see y'all tmr"ami said and they drove off. "So how you and ag"I asked as we were driving "Good,we actually going to dinner tonight"anna answered "Nice"i said looking at emmi.

Anna Pov
I'm so happy for Mia and ami even tho they not official yet ik they like each other a lot but i feel bad for Connor.Anyways i got back home,me and ag are going on a date today we haven't ate out in awhile so that's why we decided to do that.I got in the bathroom took a shower then changed into my jean and crop top then went in the living room and waited.It's been 30 mins ag usually is back but she's a little late today maybe they doing shooting drills or somthing so i called "Hey bub where you at"i asked "Uh uhh i'm still at the gym"she said with a lot of noises in the back "ok we'll call me when you come back"I said "Alright bye love you"she said and hang up "That's was fast"i thought and waited.

Ag Pov
We made it to the hospital i opened the passenger seat door and carried lexi in side the hospital. "Hi what's your name and how may i help you"One of the nurse asked "Uhh my name is ag and he name is lexi i accidentally hit her but not hit her at the same time with a car and now she can't move her leg"I said "Oh ok well come on and follow me to the X-ray room"she said so we followed.I laid her on the bed and walked outside the room to take a call "Hello?"i answered "Ag"julia said "Hey"i said "I saw you carrying lexi today what happened"she asked "I can explain so me and her are like working together cause my coach said i needed an assistant"I said "Do anna know?"she asked "No i haven't planned on telling her"i tell her. "Ag let me warn you lexi and anna are not on very good terms lexi torch weed anna in many ways stealing her boyfriend for example,how would anna feel if she finds out you didn't tell about this"Julia said she had a good point anna would never for give me or trust me again. "I thought there wouldn't be a problem and right now anna busy with her soccer if i tell her about lexi she would be more worried and lexi would get in her head and i'm sure she'll not for us on her dream the championship soccer"I said "Well if you're not planning on telling her now don't car suspicious around her"Julia told me "I won't"o repleid "Where are you now"she asked "The hospital"i answered "WHat aren't you and anna going to dinner"She asked "OMg i almost forgot thanks for reminding me bye"i said and hang up.I went back in the room "Hey it's everything ok"I asked "Yes she just sprained her leg"The nurse says "Oh is that so"I said walked toward her seeing her struggle to walk so i carried her to the wheel  chair. "Awww you're such a good girlfriend cutest couple ever"The nurse said "Oh n-"i was gonna correct her but it was too late. "Ok here's you're medicine take care of her well ag"nurse said.We got in the car and i dropped her off "Why you in a rush"She asked "Cause i have things to do"i replied then drove off.Then i texted anna to wait for me at the restaurant while i get ready.

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