Chapter 1

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She had been only two years old when her mother Stacy had moved them to Charming and then found herself involved with one of the local motorcycle club's members. She had vague memories of the move but her first conscious memories were with her mother and who became her step-dad. He had always treated her as if he were her own even though he had been married several times before and had biological children. Two years after they moved to Charming, Stacy married her biker. Anything she needed, he always made sure she had.

When she was sixteen, her mother developed breast cancer. Despite the treatments and how hard she had fought, her mother lost the battle. It had devastated her. Her step-father was there for her and made sure she was taken care of the whole time. He kept her in school, kept food in the house even baking more than usual since he loved to do it. The pair grew even closer after her mother's death. She decided she wanted to go to school to become a nurse. The nurses that had help treat her mother were so kind and helpful and she knew that had helped her mother during her fight. She wanted to be that kind of nurse who made a difference in her patient's life.

Her last year in nursing school, a fellow student began harassing her. He continuously asked her out even though she always politely turned him down. He left gifts at her door which she always threw away. He'd leave flowers for her at the school. She finally had enough and went to the police. They told her all she could do was file a temporary restraining order on him. There was nothing they could do unless he caused her physical harm. She talked to the Dean of the school to see what he could do. He was as helpless as the cops making her huff. She was sure there was something someone could do for her.

She began receiving little love notes on the windshield of her car. They were sweet and loving like you'd expect from your sweetheart. Except she wasn't dating him. After she graduated, she was looking for work using her new degree. She noticed that she wasn't getting all of her mail when a friend of hers asked about the birthday card she'd sent that she never received. When she noticed someone had broken into her apartment, spread rose petals from the front door to the bedroom and left a note on the table saying "We'll be together soon." she quickly rushed to her room to pack some bags. She knew where she had to go.

She locked up, tossed her bags in the backseat of the old Mustang her step-dad had bought her when she got her driver's license, and hit the road. The twenty-four hour drive was split into two days. She stopped only when she needed gas, getting food at the station when she was hungry, and once for the night because she needed sleep. She woke up early the next to hit the road. Her mind raced as to how he had broken into her apartment in the first place. She hoped her step-dad wouldn't be too upset with her for not telling him about this problem before now. She'd done all she could according to the police and thought she could handle it on her own.

She sighed with relief when she saw the "Welcome to Charming" sign as she entered the city limits. Now it was just a matter of how to tell him what was going on. Up until now, she didn't think her admirer was all that dangerous. Breaking into her house was a huge escalation and she didn't want to take the chance of what else he was capable of doing. She didn't even know what all he'd done while he was in her apartment when she wasn't there. He could have gone through her things. He could have spiked her food and drinks. He could have done all matter of naughty things all over the place. She shuddered to think about it. Seeing the "Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair" sign made her smile. She was home.

Parking her car, she slid out of the drivers seat and looked around. 'Nothing ever changes!' she smiled inwardly. When she didn't move from her car, a tall, scraggly looking man walked over wiping his hands on a grease rag. She raised her eyebrow at him not recognizing him. He stopped and looked her over as if it assess her.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"I'm here to see my Pops." She stated.

"I don't know who that would be, sweetie." He replied.

"River? Is that you?" Gemma exclaimed as she exited her office.

"Aunt Gemma!" River smiled as she met the older woman half way.

They embraced in a tight hug, both smiling brightly. Gemma told Ratboy he could go back to work.

"It's so good to have you back. We've missed you around here." Gemma moved to look her over.

"Thanks. I've missed you crazy nuts too." She chuckled, "Is Pops here?"

"In the clubhouse." Gemma told her, "We'll catch up later, ok?"

"Definitely." River smiled back before turning and heading into the clubhouse.

A thousand memories hit her all at once and it was almost overwhelming. Birthday parties. Lockdowns. Various celebrations. She sighed as she looked around. There was a prospect tending to the bar where her step-dad was sitting nursing a beer. She quietly walked over.

"Hey Pops." She stated making him swivel around in his seat.

"RIVER!" He exclaimed before getting up to pull her into a tight hug, "What are you doing here? I thought you were still in school?"

"I just finished. Still looking for a job." She replied, "I came because...because I need help."

"Whatever it is, you know I'm here for you, Peanut." He told her.

She smiled at the nickname he'd given her years ago when she was a toddler.

"Hey Bobby, who's this?" The man who she'd talk to earlier asked as he entered the clubhouse.

"This is my daughter River. Peanut, this is Ratboy our newest patched member." Bobby introduced the pair.

"Nice to meet you, Ratboy." River smiled.

"Nice to meet you too." He replied.

"Can we go somewhere quiet to talk? I don't want to be interrupted while we talk." She asked.

"Let's head into the chapel." He stood up making her follow suit.

"Tell me what's going on, Peanut." Bobby stated as he shut the chapel doors.

"There's this guy who keeps asking me out. I always politely decline telling him he's not my type and I'm not interested. He started leaving gifts at my door. He'd leave flowers for me at the school. I finally had enough and went to the police. They told me all I could do was file a temporary restraining order on him which I promptly did. There's nothing they can do unless he causes me physical harm they say. So, I went and talked to the Dean of the school to see what he could do. He was as helpless as the cops in that his hands are tied.

Then I began receiving little love notes on the windshield of my car. They were sweet and loving like you'd expect from your sweetheart, right. Except we're not dating. I could go to the movies with friends and I'd come out and there would be a note. I'd come out of class and there would be a note. I'd get ready to leave for class and there would be a note. It's like he's stalking me wherever I go.

After I graduated, I was looking for work around Baltimore thinking I'd stick around since I have friends and I like my apartment. I noticed that I wasn't getting all of my mail when a friend of mine asked about the birthday card she'd sent that was talking about a trip to Mexico she and a few other friends of mine were discussing that I never received. Then two days ago, I noticed someone had broken into my apartment. They spread rose petals from the front door to the bedroom and left a note on the table saying "We'll be together soon."

I immediately packed some bags and came here. I don't know how he got in but I knew I shouldn't stick around in case he tried again. I'm scared, Pops. I don't know what to do." She explained.

"Don't worry, Peanut. You're safe here. If he's dumb enough to follow you, the club will handle him." Bobby reached over and squeezed her hand.

"I hate bringing my mess to you but I had no where else I could turn to." She sighed.

"It's ok. We'll take care of this. Does he have your phone number?" Bobby asked.

"Probably. If he doesn't, it wouldn't be hard for him to get it." She replied.

"Get all the numbers out of it you want to save. I'm gonna get you a burner phone. You toss that one away." Bobby instructed her.

"Ok. Thanks, Pops." She told him.

"You're my daughter. No one messes with SAMCRO family." He smiled at her.

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