Chapter 9

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Juice made himself a cup of coffee before wandering back out to the bar. Happy and River just sat there quietly not wanting to finish their conversation with Juice around. As the IO began to wake up, he left the pair alone to head back to where his laptop was to continue his searching. Happy leaned over and quietly asked how many tattoos she had bringing a smile to her face. She replied with "a few" and that he should check them out sometime. He smiled at her and nodded his head. The pair got quiet again as people began to wake up and filter into the clubhouse.

When Jax got up, he decided Juice should relieve Opie at the hospital. River sighed really wanting to go see her Pops for herself. Jax told her it was a bad idea and that she was safer staying on the premises. Logically she knew he was right but it still upset her she wasn't able to go see her Pops. She sighed heavily as she waited on Opie to arrive to give the run-down of what had happened while he was at the hospital and how her Pops was doing. She hated not being there when he needed her but knew Jax was right in that she was safest at the clubhouse.

Gemma walked up with a cup of coffee and noted how River looked like she hadn't gotten much sleep. The young woman shrugged and said she'd had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep afterwards. The Matriarch hugged her niece and told her it was going to be alright. River wanted to believe that but until her stalker was caught, she wasn't so sure. Opie finally arrived so Jax quickly got up to talk to him. It was imperative to know everything that went on at the hospital and to know whether or not Bobby was actually in danger of being attacked again.

"No one but hospital personnel went into his room or stopped by. Never saw anyone that shouldn't be there." Opie told his best friend.

"How's he doing?" Jax inquired.

"The pain medicine is helping a lot. He's sleeping quite a bit because of it. The nurses are concerned about him getting an infection but other than that, he's doing pretty well." Opie explained.

"Ok. Let River know. She's dying to know how he's doing." Jax informed his friend before moving to sit back down.

Opie walked over to the bar where she was sitting with Happy and let her know exactly what he'd just told Jax. She sighed hating that her Pops was going through this and hoped he was going to be alright. Unser arrived at the lot to the surprise of everyone. Jax had called him to let him know about the vehicle they were looking for and why they were looking for the owner. The Chief of Police climbed out of his car and walked towards the clubhouse. Jax met him outside wondering what was going on.

"I found the car you're looking for. It's parked at the Charming Inn. I did a little digging and found the owner is registered in room 16." Unser stated, "What are you going to do?"

"What we need to in order to keep Bobby's daughter safe from this creep." Jax stated without giving any other information away.

"Jesus, Jax." Unser sighed.

"He's not going to leave her alone! He tracked her nearly two thousand miles from Baltimore to Charming, Unser. He's dedicated to his cause of getting her. We don't know what he has planned for her but we're sure it's nothing good." Jax expressed.

"I don't need to hear any more of this." Unser stated, "I'm going back to the station."

"Thanks for the info." Jax told him before heading back into the clubhouse.

He told Chibs, Quinn, Tig, and Ratboy to come with him because Unser found the car and where the stalker was staying. Happy was to stay at the clubhouse to protect River. The assassin didn't mind that job in the least although he wanted the job of dealing with the creep once and for all. The bikers all got up and followed Jax out to their bikes so they could get to where he was staying before he got up and left the inn. He had Ratboy drive the van so they could move the creep to the cabin. The group of five bikers made their way across town to the Charming Inn and slowly rode up to the right room. They quickly parked and made their way to the door.

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