Chapter Six: I Want You, Yoongi

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Trigger Warnings: 

Explicit Sex

Adult Language

Jimin awoke still in Namjoon's soothing arms. His knot had fallen out, but Jimin still felt soothed and calm and happy. He kissed Namjoon on his sleepy mouth.

"Thank you, my Alpha-Leader, for giving me your knot," he said, teasing and affectionate with his gratitude...

"Thank you, Jimin, Jesus," Namjoon rubbed his eyes and stared at the ceiling. "I see what Bang-shi was talking about, now."

"What?" Jimin said, laughing, "what did he say?!"

Namjoon blushed, "He said that we really needed an Omega." He sat up suddenly, taking Jimin's hand. "We needed you so much, and I didn't even know it." He blushed again, kissed Jimin's wrist...

"Are you hungry?"

Jimin nodded.

Namjoon pulled clothes on himself and pulled some of Hoseok's clean clothes onto Jimin.

"Can you walk?" He asked Jimin, tenderly. Jimin stood up, winced at the first step... Namjoon scooped him into his arms and carried him like a bride into the common area.

All the other pack members were gathered, sitting together at the table. Jimin realized it was dinner time. He could smell the food, instead of Namjoon's scent, finally.

Namjoon settled him onto the couch and suddenly Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting at his feet like excited pups.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, taking Jimin's hand tenderly.

"Did he hurt you?" Jungkook asked, concerned.

"No, no, he helped me," Jimin assured them, "He kept me safe from the pain, he made it better," he nodded at them happily.

Jin was pushing a bowl of food into his hands and Jimin ate happily. He noticed, with a start, that Yoongi was staring at him from the other side of the room, sipping beer, mouth twisted.

"Yoongi?" He called to him, concerned.

Yoongi drew up to him hesitantly, still standing a pace away.

"Yoongi, what's up, why are you being so weird?" whined Jimin. "Come sit next to me."

"Ah," Yoongi swallowed, feet shifting but not coming any closer. "You just, ah, you still smell really good. REALLY good," he said, taking another step back and another sip of his beer.

"Yeah, you smell good to me, too, silly," Jimin purred at him, "Come on, I want you, Yoongi," he started to feel flushed suddenly, put down the food, shaking his head.

"Jesus Christ, does that count as consent?" said Yoongi, looking at Namjoon and Jin.

He looked desperate suddenly and knelt in front of Jimin, "Jimin, are you still here?" He pressed his hand against Jimin's flushing forehead.

He glanced back at the other boys with a frown, and then brought his hand tenderly to Jimin's cheek, and suddenly, was pressing his lips to JImin's, pressing his forehead to his and then, looking deep into Jimin's eyes, he growled, "Can I knot you, Jimin? Can I ...?" He gulped, kissing Jimin again now, tongue meeting his tenderly between them..

Jimin sighed with pleasure.

"Of course," he purred, "of course I want your knot.." He was suddenly feverish, hand on Yoongi's hardening bulge, nuzzling his neck. Yoongi nipped his neck, wrapped his arms around Jimin and scooped him up, standing.

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