I woke up to the sound of wolves, and walking outside, wolves, they where getting in, hungry for flesh. One of them got into the house, dead, shot in the skull, another one, managed to get close but i killed it with my hunting knife, done. They are dead, so i decided to continue on, i needed more medical supplies, so i headed down the road, to my supprise i saw a broken down hospital, perfect, just when you think it cant get more creepy, you enter a broken down hospital, great. I entered the hospital to get some supplies, i found bandages and some water, whoop de do. I heard footsteps and snaped around to see someone with a gun "Who are you and what do you want?" i asked, he looked about my age, he replyed by saying "Im like you, i dont want any trouble, can we be friends? No one is really out here anymore." So i said "Yeah, of course!" so i got my bag and decided to pack up and get ready to go.