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My blade sunk deeply into the abdomen of the notorious gang leader of Sicily. The hood of my black cape kept my identity hidden and any weakness on my face was not exposed.

"Who do you work for?" I ask, blade still inserted in the bald mans stomach. He was losing his breath and death wasn't far away but I needed this piece of information desperately.

"Ba-... Baron... Von Strucker" the man spluttered, blood spilling from his mouth. "Hail... HYDRA." Once the words came out, foam mixed with the blood and the bald man started having a seizure before me. Processing his words, my blade retracted from his stomach and I wiped it along the sleeves of my cloak.

Leaving all the bodies behind, I exit the church tower by climbing out of the window and leaning forward, my body falling heavily through the air before connecting with the softened landing of hay below me. The electronic device beeps in my pocket and I flick the screen up so it's holograms in front of me. I divulge into every file to do with HYDRA and find a base located in an area called Sokovia. Booking a ticket for the flight tonight, I begin my journey to the small room I rented.

The blood on my cloak never comes out, sometimes I don't want it to but the stares I get on the street make me attract attention I don't want. I wear these clothes almost all the time, in more social and public settings I wear normal clothes but my face is always covered by a hood. The garments come off and I shove them into my bag while placing a pair of jeans and a large black hoodie over myself. Luckily I only have a few scratches off today's target, meaning I'm in perfect shape to set off on my next mission.

I don't work for anyone or take orders from anyone, I am my own leader doing what other people hesitate or take too long to do. The flight is in an hour so I grab my bag and leave the room, giving the receptionist the key without conversing in conversation. The airport is a few minute walk away and I allow the fresh breeze of Italy to replenish my energy. Being an assassin can be hard but I have... let's say powers... that makes it slightly easier for me.

Speed. I'm inhumanly fast as well as strong but from my physique you would think I was weak. Knowledge. I can program things in my brain and play out different scenarios before acting on any of them. Invisibility. Now this one I have no idea about. Knowledge, strength and speed, all these can be taught if you train and try hard enough but invisibility you cannot. It takes a tremendous amount of willpower and energy but mostly I can stay invisible for up to 3 minutes.

I try not to do it often, I want to feel like I can do my job without cheating. Being an assassin means being nimble, flexible and agile and I can do all of these things to an exceptionally high standard, my work of climbing up buildings being a speciality of these.

The airports quiet, only a few people are here and by the looks of it they're all just here for a tourist kind of holiday. Checking in annoys me because I have to pull my hood back a bit to allow the security to see my face with my passport but I don't know why it matters since it's fake anyway. It has a fake name on and identity apart from my face. No one knows of my name nor my origins and I plan to keep it that way.

The flight takes a few hours and the weathers significantly different to Italy, the sun is replaced with snow. I change into my cape and garments and ditch my bag in a bin, having everything I require on me. The base of this HYDRA location is surrounded by trees, there seems to a lot of patrol but I enjoy the thrill of trying to do things without being caught. Just as I'm about to sneak upon my first victim, there's the noise of a car engine that makes me whip my head around.

A large armoured car comes into sight and then along with it, an iron suit, a man with a big hammer and one dressed in American colours with a shield. I've heard of these, people are calling them the Avengers since they managed to save New York from creatures from out of space. Believe it or not I was there, just not at the centre of it. They focused on the area around the portal but not the borders but I don't want recognition for it anyway.

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