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My eyes flickered open and I was blinded by brightness, a steady beeping noise coming from my left. Groaning, I turned to the side and saw a machine, pumping some liquid through the wires that were connected to me via an IV line. My head was sweating and I realised I still didn't have a hood nor a mask on, whoever had been in this room will have seen me. I start to recall the events, using my powers to sneak on Ultron, facing the blast and heat of the power of three superheroes. To my right, there was someone sat on the chair. That someone was a very angry Natasha Romanoff.

"Hi..." I croak, my voice dry and sore.

Nat doesn't budge and I can see in her eyes that she had been crying but as usual she was trying to conceal her emotions. "Why?"


"Why did you do that?"

I sigh and reach over to the table where a cup of water sat and shakily took a sip, my body aching and weak. "Something had to be done, he didn't know I was there so I took the chance. It worked didn't it?"

"Yeah, it worked, but in doing so you nearly died. Pietro had to carry you to the hospital because he would get there quicker than anyone else. If he didn't do that, you wouldn't be here right now" Nat said sternly.

"I'm sorry but I don't regret it. Did Tony save the city?"

Nat scowled but nodded. "He did, we're back in the new Avenger facility right now, we transferred you after the doctors said you were stable. That was five days ago."

Five days? That's not to bad I guess. I look down at my body and see I had a gown on and my arms were more scarred than usual.

"How many people seen me?" I ask hesitantly.

"All of the Avengers apart from Bruce, he's still missing. Two doctors did, they had too, you were to injured. Tony threatened them to not leak anything about you , you will be fine, no one messes with the rich."

I nod and sigh, shutting my eyes. "How long have you been here?"


Shocked, I snap my eyes open and look towards Nat. Her eyes hold heavy bags under them and her skin is pale. The room I'm in looks similar to the room I was in before all of this, the black walls and wide windows. Feeling confident, I pat the space next to me for Nat to lie down, needing to feel her comfort.

She hesitates but decides to lie down, her face facing mine. A small smile comes on my face as I stare into her green eyes, the warmth from her is peaceful. The machine next to me is beeping still and I yank the IV out of my hand much to Nat's horror.

"You need that!"

"No... no I don't. I need you."

Her frown slowly crumbles and I pull her closer to me, her head nearly buried into my shoulder.

"Sweet dreams bellissimo" I whisper, lightly kissing the top of her head. Her breathing starts to become slow and heavy and knowing she was relaxed, helped me fall back into my own slumber.


"I'm telling you, Nat will be in here- and what do you know!? There she is!" came Clint's loud voice, breaking me from my peace. My eyes open and I notice Nat is still comfortably resting against me, making me smile.


"Ombra! What's up?"

"Can you do me a favour?"


"Please shut the fuck up."

Clint frowned and pulled face, muttering under his breath as he left the room. I felt a presence still and looked over the covers to see Tony staring out the window.

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