5.- Butterfly

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Possible TW

It's nothing overly explicit but the first part of the chapter is a flashback into (y/n)'s memory/past which includes something along the lines of abandonment/giving her away?

It's important to know her backstory but if you don't want to read it you can skip until the first header divider and that's where the present story begins! Also, I will give a short summary at the endnotes of the flashback! 


"Mom, why are you crying?"

A little girl who lived in what remained of a wrecked house, in the middle of the fallen buildings and as far away as they could from the chaos asked in confusion while looking at her mother.

The woman was sobbing uncontrollably while her husband was talking with a man in a white lab coat on the other side of the curtain that separated the entrance.

"Oh, honey... I am so sorry" she muttered in between sobs while holding her little one in her arms. The woman's dirty fingers traced the little girl's cheeks tenderly, kissing her forehead. "I am so sorry... but you know how times are right now... the uprising and the power bad people are gaining... the things going on... we don't know how to keep ourselves alive-" the woman broke down again as the little girl stared at her.

What was her mother talking about? The war? Did she mean the crazy things people were doing outside? She had seen some fire, destruction, and weird-looking people all around her but -isn't this normal?- It's been going on since she could remember.

Her mother sobbed harder and turned around, not able to face her daughter after what they've done. Her husband joined the scene with dried tears on his cheeks too.

Why were they crying?

"Listen, (y/n), you have to behave and be strong okay?" her dad said to the little girl, his voice broken and his eyes watering. "We are so sorry baby, we really are... we hope you understand why we did this-"

"We need to go now." said the man in the lab coat. "You have two more minutes. You can bring one item with you."

The little girl was confused and scared,

"Are we going with that man? where?"

"No baby... you are going." Her mother said without looking at the little girl.

The little girl felt fear while turning around to face her dad. The man in ragged clothes and untidy aspect cried silently while looking away.

"Dad? Why is scary man taking me with him?"

Her mother's sobs increased and her dad couldn't hold on any longer.

"We are sorry, princess... We had no option - we- we needed to survive and you may survive better there..."

"But I don't understand-"

"Please, go to your room for a bit-"

She walked towards the broken curtain that separated her room and glanced at the emptiness of it. The little place illuminated by the dim moonlight. She could see her little cardboard bed and a little thing on the window. She walked over only to face a beautiful black butterfly with white intricate details on its wings.

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