Another Wonderful Session

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"Things will get better (Y/n) you just need to give it some time. Would you like a tissue?" When the small white square was held out towards me, I hesitated, but in the end, I accepted it. "(Y/n) I think you should find yourself a hobby. There's plenty of after-school clubs available here. Would you like to join one of them? I heard cooking club has a few openings and art club also has some room as well"

"W-Why would I want to join some stupid club?" I didn't mean to come off as rude but that idea my counselor suggested just sounded like a recipe for disaster. "How about we make a deal then (Y/n)?" When she said that it perked my interest though I still needed to proceed with caution. "What kind of deal Mrs. B?"

"I want to see you attend at least one club meeting just to see if it's something you'd like and if it's not then I'll buy you a whole pizza from the school's cafeteria. Do we have a deal (Y/n)?" I suppose attending one meeting wasn't going to kill me but I still wasn't sure if any of the school clubs would even interest me enough since most of them were pretty questionable and had weird members in them. "Is there a list of all the clubs?"

"Here you go! I'll see you at our next session (Y/n) then you can tell me all about it... I have you down for next week at 3:00 does that still work for you?" As I nodded my head, I threw away the soiled tissue and stood up from my chair before I started looking over the list I was handed. "Bye Mrs. B"

"Take care (Y/n). Also, remember what I always tell you. Your mental health is important and it's not something you should keep to yourself" Mrs. B was my favorite teacher in the whole school since she just made talking about my problems so easy. Sure, the lady was the school's guidance counselor and it was her job to help the students but it always felt like she actually cared.


When the bell sounded throughout the hallways, I waited a few seconds so the crowd of students wouldn't trample me though when it had died down, I made my way towards the pickup area at the front of the building. "Hm, he's late again" My house was only about a 15-minute walk away from the school though my Dad had promised he'd be here on time today. "I might as well start walking home"


As I took my phone out of my pocket, I didn't even need to see the text to know who had messaged me. "Let's see... Of course, he can't make it... Why I am even surprised?" Since I didn't want to text my Father back at the moment, I slipped the device back into my pocket before I headed down the school's long driveway. I wasn't a fan of walking to and from school but unfortunately, my house sat within the walking bubble so I had no choice.


?'s Pov

"Are you sure that you want to go home? You're more than welcome to stay over at my place again but I understand if that's not something you want to" I knew my boyfriend was only trying to be nice but it just sent chills over my body when he suggested that. "No, I need to get home. My Dad is expecting me to be there before five... Have fun with your club meeting and I'll call you later. I love you, Hawkins"

"Drake... if he hurts you again please tell me" I tried my best to fake a smile as I pressed my lips to the smaller man's forehead though I knew he wasn't buying it. Hawkins could always read me like a book but he never forced me to talk about anything I wasn't comfortable with. If he knew all the things my Father did to me over the years, he just wouldn't look at me the same way. He'd see me as weak and I couldn't have that since Hawkins was the one good thing in my life.

"I should go but can you pick me up in the morning?" Since I had to walk home, I really had to go before my Father got mad though when Hawkins' hand gripped onto my coat I was forced to stay put. "Sure, I don't mind but wait a minute Drake it's going to start raining soon and I don't want you to get completely soaked. Take my umbrella"

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