Ashes to Ashes

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"Law you don't have any cold medicine and I checked twice. I can run over to the store to pick up a bottle if you want" As the man shifted around under the covers, I caught a glimpse of his hand but his back was turned away from me. "Do whatever you'd like (Y/n)-ya. Yawn. If you need cash look in that piggy bank over there" My eyes followed where his finger was pointing though after they found the pig they quickly drifted back to Law. "Okay you get some sleep and I'll bring you back some medicine. What kind should I buy?"

"You can decide I don't care as long as it does the job" That really didn't make things clear but maybe I could just get away with buying something cheap. "Alright Law I'll try to be quick" Turing away from the man I started towards his little piggy bank to collect some funds but something Law said caused me to start blushing. "Take my key (Y/n)-ya you'll need it to get back inside"

I didn't turn around in fear he would see my rosy cheeks although I did respond while counting out a few bills. "That's probably a good idea. Where do you keep it?" As I gathered up enough money to cover the cost of the medicine, I placed it in a nice neat pile before facing the man. Thankfully he was still hiding out underneath the covers. "It's in that box by the front door"

"You know Law it's not very smart to keep such a valuable item at the entrance to your apartment" This time Law has shifted just enough for me to see his eyes over the blankets but my heart ached slightly since he looked worse than before. "No one would dare break into my apartment (Y/n)-ya and even if they did, they'd quickly regret it. 'Cough' 'Cough' You should get going but if you need anything call" I knew for sure my phone wasn't in my pocket but I also knew that thing wasn't even charged. "I'm pretty sure my phone's dead Law"

"Of course, it is... Take Penguin-ya with you" I might have been small but it wasn't like I couldn't handle myself in a situation. However, it might be good to have someone with me who knew their way back to the apartment. "Doesn't he have class?" I knew Law was sick so he wouldn't need to go and I was taking care of him so I'd skip classes today but the other man didn't have a legitimate excuse that would keep him home. "He does but whenever I don't go, he stays home as well"

"So, he's playing hooky? That's interesting... Alright, I'm leaving now Law so stop detracting me" Finally slipping into my shoes I unlocked the door but couldn't even get it opened since Law had decided to speak up. "Don't forget the money (Y/n)-ya" I was a little embarrassed about forgetting such an important thing though I wasn't about to let Law get the win with this one. "I didn't forget!" Shoving the bills into my pocket I heard back over to the door but for whatever reason, that man decided he was going to have the last words. "Keep telling yourself that (Y/n)-ya"


"Easy on the boss's door (Y/n) you're going to break it if you're not careful. Where are you heading to and where's the boss?" Penguin looked like he was ready to head to class but I found that strange since Law had just told me he was skipping class today. "Law's sick... I thought he told you. Oh, and he also said that I have to bring you with me to the store" Based on the books in Penguin's hands I figured he was going to school but that would contradict what Law had told me. "Hm? That's strange he's never sick or at least not sick enough to miss a day of school. Sure, I'll go to the store with you (Y/n) just let me put my books back inside"

Since he was already in front of his door, I waited a few seconds but when he returned to my side, I asked him a question. "Are you really skipping class just because Law's not going to be there?" Surprising Penguin didn't seem bothered that I called him out since after I had finished, he had just struggled with his shoulders before started towards where the elevator was. "He hardly misses class (Y/n) unless it's due to work so it's better if I stay home just encase, he needs anything... Law's always been there for me and I also want to be there for him"

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