Chapter 13: The Frost Mountains and The Timid Dragon

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After quickly gathering the needed equipment and meeting Evileye outside the capitol the three capable of flight, the vampire Evileye along with the 2 Pleiades sisters head toward the Azerlisia mountains carrying Y/N and the sword that is to oppose the Black King's army. Flying at low altitude during nighttime Evileye acts as the navigator for the group as Yuri carries the food and equipment. Straying behind the two Lupis holds both Y/N and the 2 swords on her back. With the intense winds found close to the summit and roaming bandits Evileye thought it best to go low to not draw attention. As they continuously fly the Pleiades can physically feel themselves low on mana and start to feel the strain of their individual luggage on them. Holding out as long as they eventually make it to the summit of the frost mountains. Reaching high into the sky with rough terrain even mid-class Yggdrasil players would have trouble without mounts and preparation. Halting they're advance Evileye looks around and points towards an opening in the rock face.

Evileye: It would take multiple days to ascend but with all of us flying and with Lupis ability to see in the dark that can be cut down by multiple hours so-

Turning back to the Pleiades she can see them exhausted and physically waning. Reevaluating the situation Evileye looks around again and now points towards a group of rocks.

Evileye: The frost giants will come out along with the sun to hunt. Even with the low possibility of them appearing this far down we should-

Lupisregina: Didn't...*Pant* just point over there?

Evileye: Yes but-

Yuri: You needn't think so low of us. We can't continue in the air, I won't deny that, but the ground is another matter. Our MP is gone but physically we haven't done much. We'll hike up until either our MP regenerates or a break.

Evileye: But......

Lupisregina: Aaaah you two can figure this out yourselves! Imma meet you at the bottom.

Flying down while carrying Y/N and the two swords Lupis lands close to the area Evileye originally pointed at and started walking. Staring at her sister Yuri just gives a long look at Evileye before slowly floating down. Watching the Pleiades continue onward Evileye just flies in the air all by herself hovering. Accepting defeat Evileye droops her head down.

Evileye:......*Sigh* why doesn't anyone just acknowledge their own limits? 

With them having limited time and trusting Y/N's judgement to put Yuri in charge of the Pleiades Evileye joins up with them to not waste time. Dividing Yuri's supplies and taking Lakyus's sword from Lupis the three head up the dark mountain on foot. Walking the remainder of the night the sky above them turns a shade of orange as the sun raises. Worried about encountering the frost giants Evileye suggests Lupis go into her true werewolf form to quickly carry them up and find somewhere to hide. Making a fit for 10 minutes Lupis declines heavily hating her true form and how ugly it is. With what is essentially bullying from Yuri, Lupis caves in and changes. Carrying the three and all they're belongings Lupis runs up the mountain, jumping from edge to edge. Going for 30 minutes not a single Frost Giant was encountered or even spotted, taking it as a good sign the group continue on for the rest of the day until the sun starts to set. Deciding to take a break for Lupis's sake they take shelter under the cliff of an spiky ice glacier. Being pushed up by Lupis Yuri attaches 2 long cloths to an ice spike above them a sort of improvised tent is made. Inside Evileye uses magic to create a special fire that doesn't need to be fueled by wood. Laying down close to it is the unconscious Y/N in a warm sleeping bag. Waiting for the sun to go completely down before going to sleep the three sit around the fire with Evileye explaining her plan in more detail. Pulling out a giant black Evileye places it in front of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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