the first time she left

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The pale faced scared moon of remnant glistened over the tower of beacon academy as the veil of night held a suffocating grip around his throat. the cold breeze sending shivers up the trail of his spine that made his whole body shake.

the slow drag of a cigarette and subsequent smoke entered his mouth as he leaned on his dorms balcony railing. the cold metal against his forearms. His breath near freezing as he exhaled. a faint white glow on his body- an aura of sorts- kept him warm in his half naked state.

the ash descended to the ground as he finished his cigarette.

two pale arms wrapped around his body a new but familiar warmth over coming him as he raised an eyebrow "did I wake you?" his voice was soft and calm as the person behind him rested on his body, her arms around his waist.

"you didn't but it'll be morning soon so lets get back to bed" his lover rested her head on his shoulder

"just one more" he pulled another cigarette out of the packet, lighting it and sticking it in his mouth, smoke exiting his mouth. one drag was all he got before it was flicked out of his mouth "Summ-"

"don't 'summer' me, we've been over this" she interrupted him and began "if you want the quiet happy life you promised me you'll live to be there with me" her grip around him tightened as she tensed up at the thought of losing him, her messy black and red hair thrown to the side as she looked at him "I don't want to lose you"

he turned around, his bare chest against her head as their auras warmed them "love you summer" she smiled softly hearing those words


the roar of engines screamed as the students of beacon watched the pure white airship landed in the courtyard. a flash of warm air blew past the surrounding crowd as a ramp descended from the rear of the ship with the click of heels, boots and iron following suit.

a man in pure white with black hair exited the aircraft followed by a woman much younger than himself. the man breathed the fresh vale air before stepping foot on beacons land "General Ironwood" professor Ozpin called as he wormed his way through the crowd "your arrival was...surprising"

Ozpins eyes drifted to the smaller of only woman of the trio "how rude of me, my name is Professor Ozpin and you are?"

the young woman stood straight and tense as she was greeted by one of the four headmasters "my name is winter Schnee my rank is Captain" she saluted Ozpin only to be met with a small chuckle "calm yourself child, this is a school a place of education not war" winter slowly nodded her head as her guard lowered "I take it you didn't come to see me" winter nodded her head as Ozpin let out an internal sigh "his dorm number is 316 just...Knock before you enter"

"thank you sir" winter bowed, leaving the general and head master with whatever business they may have.

she wandered the halls of beacon, her eyes scanning for her brothers dorm. a small smile crossing her lips as she found it and slowly walked towards the door. taking a deep breath she raised her hand and knocked once, no reply. she waited a minute and knocked again louder this time. same result.

her eyebrows frowned as she sighed and placed her hand on the door knob and turned it and hearing the click of the door opening she pushed it open.

The thick smell of smoke entering her nostrils as she put one foot in the door. Her nose scrunching up as the smell of cheap cigarettes was unfamiliar to her.

"hello?" she called out. hearing the sound of the shower and the subsequent stop of it.

"one second!" the answer of a man came from the on suite bathroom. seconds later a young man with short dyed black hair that had white roots came out of the shower. his blue eyes meeting Winters for a second as her eyes travelled over his body scars riddling his chest and arms as a towel covered his waist.

"Winter" he greeted though it was laced with an under lying venom in his tone "what do you need" he walked towards his draws and taking out a shirt and some jeans.

"straight to the point" she paused for a second having found herself in a rather delicate situation "our father-"

"your father" he corrected, not even caring to look her way as he took out some underwear and socks. he entered his bathroom again, getting dressed after drying himself.

"Y/n..." she sighed and sat on his bed as she waited for him to come back out, looking at the night stand to see a photo of a woman and her brother holding each other on a beach "who...?" she picked the image up, noticing the stain of the bottom of a glass and the stench of alcohol

"put that down!" he snatched it out of her hand

she flinched at his violent action before regaining her composure, taking a step back from her brother. "I'm..sorry" she looked on solemnly, this was the someone her brother cared about a lot that much was obvious though the question remained just who was she?

"You" he said plainly, still looking at the picture in his hand "what do you need?"

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