c h a p t e r 3

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"Oh my god, are you ok?" I say as the car stops spinning. I don't feel any pain so I guess I'm alright, it hit Timothy's side the most.

"It's just my leg. I can't feel it", I look down at his leg and see it jammed between the crushed door.

"Okay, hold on. I'm going to call 911" I get out of the car and spot the black car that crashed into us. I see someone getting out of it.

"GABE?!" , I shout. It's the boy who was at my house the other day. "Why the fuck were you going that fast?" I ask

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" he says. He looks completely undamaged. His big black car protected him from the bump.

"You just love bumping into things don't you" I get my phone out of my pocket to call 911, but before I do Timothy's car door opens. I look over and see that Gabe had opened the door and is now holding Timothy up by placing his arm over his shoulders and taking him to the back of his car.

"What are you doing?! It could be severely damaged he needs medical help" I say as I follow them.

"That's why I'm taking him to the hospital. Obviously it doesn't need to be amputated because he limped over here. Are you coming?" He asks

Before I could say anything I had gotten into the back of his car. "What about Timothy's car?"

"I'll pay for the damage to be fixed", he says.


"Well you've fractured your knee cap and pulled your hamstring quit badly. Luckily there's no surgery required but you will need to wear this cast for the next 3 months", The doctor says as we are in the hospital room.

"Wait, so I can't skate for 3 months?" Timothy asks the doctor with a concerned look on his face.

"No, I'm sorry. Maybe even longer than three months depending on the healing process" the doctor explains.

Me and Timothy look at each other with a sad look on our faces, although I smile as if telling him that it's all okay.

"Oh my baby", I hear Timothy's mom Wendy say as she walks through the doors.

"I really only like one person in here at a time", the doctor says

"Okay, I'll go get a drink and wait outside. Does anyone want anything?" I ask with a sadness to my voice.

"No I'm good honey", Wendy says

Gabe's POV

Earlier that day

I'm currently at a family dinner, my family is planning the last minute things for the family ball. We hold one every year, it's mostly my parents business partners that come. It's our first one since moving.

We are quit a wealthy family. Every year I dread the ball, me and my brothers are expected to bring our girlfriends. I've never had one. I know this sounds bad but I've always been a one night stand kind of guy, no time for actual love.

"So Gabriel, your two brothers are bringing their girlfriends. Do you have one to bring?" My father asks me at the table.

Before I could answer my brother Olly interrupts "When is he ever gonna get a girlfriend?" He says and my other brother laughs with him.

Olly and Ethan are my older brothers. They both work for my parents In our company.

"Actually I do", I said without realising. Although this was far from the truth.

"Really?" Ethan asks shocked

"Yep" I reply

"What's she like?" My mom asks me as the rest of the family wait for me to reply

"Umm she's a year younger than me, and has brown hair", I say without thinking.

"Oh, what do her parents do?" My father asks. I know he only wants to know if she's rich like us. My parents have a thing against the lower classes.

"Ummm her dad owns a sporting company, that's how we met", I say.

I'm trying to think about what's making me say this and then I realised. It's coach Lopez, and I'm describing his daughter.

"Ooohh well I'm exited to meet her at the ball", my moms says


I'm driving back to my college house. What am I going to do? I don't have a girlfriend, this is going to be a nightmare.

I'm taken out of my thoughts by me hitting something on the road. "Shit"


That's what has lead me to now. I'm sitting in the waiting area of the hospital.

A women just passed me and walked into the room Willow and her friend went into.

Then the doors to the room fly open again but this time Willow walks out looking slightly angry.

She goes towards the vending machine and puts in a dollar. I walk towards her "What are you still doing here?" She asks me while hitting the numbers on the machine.

"Well I wanted to make sure that I didn't really injure you", I say

"Oh no I'm just great" she says sarcastically "but Tim in there is not", she adds

"What's wrong with him?" There is concern and worry in my voice. I don't want to go to prison for injuring someone.

Instead of responding she starts hitting and kicking the vending machine as her drink got stuck.
I look around and notice people staring at the scene she is making. So I grab her wrists, pull them together and pull her away from the vending machine.

She abruptly pulls her hands out of mine and sighs loudly, while shutting her eyes.

"You need to calm down", I say to her.

She looks up at me and glares "Don't tell me to calm down. Not only have you hurt my friend but you hurt my skating partner, I can't compete without him" she's making it sound like he's died. I know he hasn't because he's literally in the cast room.

"Look I'm sorry okay, I didn't mean too. I will literally do anything. I'm going to pay for his car to be fixed. Surely you can just compete another year or just not go at all" I say

She turns to me in disgust but with an eyebrow raised "You'll do anything?" She asks

"Yeah, well, it depends on what it is", I reply

"Hockey players can skate right?"

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