Rainbow wishes

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Gorl was a young unicorn. They lived in the outliers club house in Los Vegas. In was loud and most of the time, by the end of the night, they were covered in vomit but it was home. Sometimes Gorl wished they lived anywhere else, but where would they go? At least they weren't alone. They always had their retainer case, Freddi, by their side. Yes, as long as Gorl had Freddi, anywhere was home. On Freddi's 13th birthday, they celebrated with a teeth cake, as they had always done. It was crunchy and enjoyable as it always was. Everything was perfect, but that night as Gorl laid down to sleep, they heard laughter from the rafters of their room. Terrified, they pulled out their sword and held it out to defend themselves. The sword shook in Gorl's hand.


They looked quickly over at Freddi to make sure they were safe, but Freddi was gone. Gorl breath quickened upon seeing Freddi missing. Tears brimmed in their eyes but their fear from the impending laughter kept them from crying. They heard the floorboards creak in the shadows in front of them, and the laughter stopped.  Gorl slowly turned from Freddi's empty bed to the shifting shadows before them. Their sweat glistened on their shaking hoofs as they pointed the sword towards the sound. 

"Who, who's there!?" They shouted, voice squeaking.

The voice whispered incoherently.

Gorl felt sweat drip slowly down their face. The voice felt familiar though faint. Gorl took a deep breath and thrust their sword into the shadows. They felt it catch on something and suddenly their only defense was being pulled away from them. They held on desperately, trying to pull it back. The thing on the other end pulled hard and Gorl lost their balance. They fell forwards and fell on their front hoofs, catching themselves. They opened their eyes and saw two large bright red shoes by their face. They froze and felt a chill shiver down their spine. 

"Whats wrong," the voice whispered in their ear, "can't move?"

Gorl cried out and flew back. 

"Stay, Stay away!" Gorl shouted, bracing their arms in front of them in defense. 

The voice chuckled. Gorl, now out into the light again with nothing but their own hide as defense, flinched as they heard slow, shuffling footsteps coming closer. 

"Didn't you hear me?" the voice whispered as it came closer, "Don't you," Gorl almost felt it smile "know me?"

Gorl listened, shivering, as the footsteps continued. Suddenly, they stopped. Gorl shuffled back, surveying the shadows silently for any movement. 

"I can hear youuuu" the voice still whispered, but this time it almost sung its words.

Gorl gasped and then quickly put their hands over their mouth. 

"Found you."

The voice suddenly launched out of the shadows, stopping right in front of Gorl's face. Gorl held in their scream. The voice belonged to a creature. A creature with Freddi's face. Gorl felt dizzy as they held in their breath.

"Hello sweetheart" the creature tilted its face, Freddi's face. "Why don't you give me that pretty skin of yours, hm?

The creature reached out a clawed hand towards Gorls face. Gorl stayed absolutely still, feeling their throat constrict in fear and panic. The hand stopped about a millimeter from Gorl's shimmering skin. The creature smiled. Teeth fell out of its sickly mouth and into Gorl's lap. Rotten teeth. Black teeth. More, more liquid black sludge slowly dripped from its mouth. Like moldy saliva. Gorl held their body as still as they could as the sludge made contact with their ankle. Cant move, cant move. They repeated to themselves. They squeezed their eyes shut. For Freddi. They felt the creatures hot breath finally recede. 

"Ha ha," the voice chuckled, "I guess I was wrong..."the creatures footsteps trudged away. 

Gorl let their hands fall and they gasped for breath, violently shaking. What was that thing?! One thing was for sure. That wasn't Freddi. And if that wasn't Freddi, where were they?

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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