btw pic is summer^^
summer accident stepped on yup you gussed it. ANOTHER APPLE!!!
"o-omg i-im so s-sorry alp-"
ryuuk shoved 2 apples down their throat
he looked down at them and smirked
summer then gulped then down and looked up and ryu- alpha daddy*
"i f-finished them see uwu"
*they open their mouth wide to show*
"mhm thats good kittne. here!
ryuuk put more apples down summers throt
summer accidentdly choked and the apple went ddown to thier esaphagues
ryuk- apha got scared and helped them
summer thanked him and blushed
um someone tell me to how make the images smaller)
ryuuk made it up to them with karaoke
summer loved karaoke but when everyone came over they lafughed at them
so summer chnaged their whole look
from cute an innocent
to deppresed and introverted
they put on a fake smile everyday
well moastly
they was happy with ryuk