Fgod Error|No Holding Back

42 1 26


Character death
Graphic descriptions
Implied s#ic#d#


It's late, I'm tired, idk why I'm writing this. This concept just entered my mind and I had to finish this before I went to sleep so no proof reading and most likely a lot of thi gs that don't make sense bc it's 4 am.

Anyway. Enjoy?

It was almost as if everything came to a halt.

His eyelights shrunk to the size of pin picks as he stared at the place he last stood. Where Blue last stood. Dust hung in the air around the bright blue bandana. It was the only thing left. His gift to Blue was the only thing left.

He had jumped in front of him. Why.. Why would he.. He knows he'd immortal, he knows he would heal, why would he- he's still- he's bound to-

His eyes stayed glued to the dust before him. He reached towards the dust still in shock.


The grainy texture he was oh so familiar with felt vile on his phallanges. It trickled through the cracks and scars. It was almost like Blue was kissing his pain away once again.

It felt as if his soul was burning.

"Stretch stay back!"

"He just killed my brother!"

"It was an accident!"

"I don't give a flying crap about what it was you just murdered Blue!"

He grasped the blue bandana in his phallanges, his touch tender as if it would dust away in his grasp if he wasn't careful enough. His fingertips went over the pulsing fabric, his own magic greeting his as dust slid down at each movement.

His ears were still ringing.


"Guys, it's not the time to fight-"

"This is the best time to fight! I'm done! You were supposed to keep him safe! Dream, Ink, you promised!"

"I didn't think he would jump-"


His hold on the accessory tightened and grinded his teeth together. His hands trembled with emotion. They killed him. He was one of their own, and they still killed him.

His expression contorted into one of rage. A single tear slid down his cheek as he clutched the bandana so tightly that his phallanges ground together and creaked.

"I don't even know how he got out! He was there when I locked the AU!"

"I don't care about excuses, this asshole just erased my brother and I can't get him back!"

"Stretch I can-"

A soul-shattering, glitched scream filled the empty au, shaking everyone to their core. Dream fell down to his knees, desperately grasping at his chest as the pain, grief, and utter vengeance filled fury escaped the destroyer with such intensity that he couldn't sense the others next to him.

The scream turned into shrieking before it lost all resemblance to a voice; a mechanical high pitched noise taking its place.

Everyone's ears were ringing, their souls frozen in place from the petrifying noise. Before they could come back to their senses blue strings shot out from the destroyer wildly, lashing out and decimating anything they came across. Humans, monster, and the univirse itself was being torn apart by Error, his eyelights wild with such hate and grief that no being dared gaze into them.

"hoW DaRE yoU!"

The culprit was caught by the throat with a string and brought to the ravaging Destroyer's face. "HoW coUlD yOU dO thaT to BlUe!"

The sans in his grasp tried to speak, but Error replaced the string with his hand, strings gathering around his victim's chest and suddenly pulling away, strings breaking off all his ribs at one and leaving them on the ground with the scaps that used to be his blouse.

He screamed and screamed until he no longer had it in his to do so. He dusted within seconds.

Error's wild eyes turned to face Ink and his unbearable followers. Ink cowered. He had never seen Error kill like that. His killing was quick and precise. Not this.. Wild and brutal.

"HoW cOuLd YOU!!"

Another wave of strings were released from his being, destroying the very fabric of reality around him through hate and raw power alone.

In his hand was Blue's bamdana

"You WerE suPpOseD To KeEp HIm sAfE!! SAfE anD Sound!"

Tears gathered in his eyes and he slowly began to laugh. There was no one besides Ink left. He had killed them all. All the fighters present.

"WhO aM I KidDiNg. YoU dOnT reMeMbeR WhAt YoU hAd foR BreAkFast, How CoulD yoU remEmbEr tHiS?"

"Error I-"

Strings wrapped around the artist's throat, yanking him over to Error swiftly.


He gave Ink a twisted smile.

"I dOn't cArE"


"i DoN't cAre At AlL~ Not AnyMorE~ he Hehe"


He just giggled and cackled and laughed as everything was destroyed. He laughed and laughed until there was nothing left but him and his tears and then not even him anymore.

"I'M HErE BlUe. I-i-i'M ComIng tO You"

His soul cracked.


His colours flickered as he glitched out more and more.

"caN't WaIt foR thaT TaCo SaLaD yoU ProMiseD.."

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