Fluffy Boy

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Cover art is not mine.

Kaminari knows he's not like the other guys in class 3-A. He's a bit on the bigger side with his soft round cheeks and thick pillowy thighs. He's got a bit of tub on his stomach, the fat never seeming to go away. No matter how often he works the muscles there is always a small little pouch of extra stomach, soft, doughy, slightly protruding from over his pants. He never minded though. He knows that not everyone can be built like a tank like Kirishima is. Not everyone can have bulging thigh muscles like Deku. Not everyone can have a nice proportional balance of a slim waist, muscular chest, bulging biceps, and washboard abs like Bakugo. Hell even Mineta has changed a bit as he decided to truly dedicate himself to being a hero rather than a peeping Tom scumbag.

Kaminari was never ashamed of how he looked. In fact, he liked how he looked. But that was before. That was before he heard the whispers. The comments. The laughter.

His day had started out like any other: wake up, eat breakfast, go to classes, eat lunch, train, change, ogle Bakugo a bit, rush out of the locker room in fear of being caught, then head to the dorms.

"Have you seen Kirishima?"

Kaminari stops outside of the girls locker rooms upon hearing the question. He grins like a maniac. He knows Kirishima has a crush on Mina so he decides to stop and listen, maybe figure out if she likes him back.

He presses himself against the wall next to the doorway and steadies his breathing in an attempt to hear better.

"Hell yes, he's so hot it's not even funny. All that muscle he's packed on and his hero costume just shows it all off!"

That was definitely Mina, Kaminari would know her voice from a mile away.

"Definitely agree with you on that. I think everyone has changed pretty drastically, even Mineta."

Jirou, Kaminari's brain supplies.

Already having gotten the information he was looking for he detaches himself from the wall, a grin on his face as he can't wait to tell Kirishima the good news. Just as he is turning away is when he hears it. It's faint, almost inaudible as he isn't as close to the door anymore. But he still hears it.

"Yeah everyone except Kaminari."

The boy mentioned freezes. His smile is wiped off his face, his excitement no longer present. He can't move. He should move. He should leave and pretend he never heard anything. But he can't. He should, but he can't. His legs aren't working, his feet won't move. He should move.

"If anything I think he's gained a few pounds." There is silence. Then laughter. They were laughing. At him.

Kaminari can feel the tears building in his eyes. He always knew he was a bit different, a bit bigger, a bit fluffier, but he was never ashamed of it, never until this very moment. Never until he heard these comments. Never until he heard them laughing. They are laughing at his weight. Laughing at his thick thighs, round cheeks, pudgy stomach.

He slowly looks down at his stomach, lifts his shirt a bit so he can see it. He reaches down and pokes it, the soft skin giving in to the gentle pressure. For once in his life he feels disgusted. He feels disgusted that this fat never goes away. Disgusted that it hangs a little over his uniform pants. Disgusted that he doesn't have tight abs, bulging biceps and muscular thighs. Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting. He chants in his mind over and over as he stares at his stomach.

Kaminari decides he should move. He can't stand here in the hallway. Someone will find him, see his disgusting body and laugh just like everyone else does. He knows, he knows that the girls aren't the only ones who thinks he's gross. He's the laughing stock of 1-A: stupid in academics, terrible at controlling his quirk, and fat.

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