Kaminari Can Conquer The World

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*Talk of murder, because, well, Bakugo. Also mild smut, it's not great but I tried.*


Kaminari is so easy, and he knows this. One or two compliments, a cutesy nickname, or even a soft smile in his direction has him red in the face and a puddle on the floor.

So fucking easy.

He knows.

So why does it hurt so much when Mina points it out?

Maybe it was the way she said it. Maybe it was what she said afterwords to solidify her statement. Maybe it's the fact that he knows, but he didn't think anything was wrong with that. It's just like the locker room incident all over again. It's been a few months but it's still fresh in his mind. Bakugo has been helping him to move on, helping him find love for himself, helping him see that he can be a hero and he doesn't need to meet societal standards in order to be one.

But this is also different. This is his personality she has a problem with and, looking around the common room, seeing the awkward expressions and averted eyes, he knows that at least half his class agrees with her.

With his easy personality he just has to be a little bit of an attention whore and maybe he is a slut like Mina implied. He doesn't really understand how she came up with that or why she said it in front of half the class.

They are in the middle of the common room. Most of the boys and girls scattered around. She had just waltzed in, stood behind the couch he is perched on, tapped his shoulder to get his attention, and sweetly announced her acerbic words for the world to hear. She didn't even try to be quiet. He always thought she would pull him aside and tell him her issues with his behavior in private, like any good friend would. But she didn't and maybe she was right for not doing so. Because now he can see that it's not just her who thinks so. Now he can see that this is something he needs to work on.

He turns to her and forces a small smile on his face.

"Okay Mina, I'll try to stop," he doesn't really even know what he's supposed to stop doing, but her wide smile has his heart fluttering in happiness and his brain telling him 'good job, you did the right thing, she likes you again.'

He catches the small little glint of something in her eyes, but ignores it. Her happiness is all that matters.

With a bigger smile on his face he turns back to the rest of the common room. Kirishima is glancing at him in pity, Shoji looks a bit uncomfortable and angry, Deku looks ready to Detroit Smash someone, the rest of the present class just looks uncomfortable, and Kaminari doesn't understand why.

"What's got all your panties in a twist?" He chuckles out, lifting some of the tension.

"Nothing bro, just heard something shitty is all," Kirishima glares at something behind him, but Kaminari doesn't have the energy to turn and see.

"Oh, was it something on the television, we can definitely change it if it's got you all fired up."

Shoulders relax, eyes cast downward, smiles flit in his direction. His heart jumps and his brain is chattering once again, 'good, good, good, did good. They like you, they're happy now, they like you.'

"No worries Kaminari-kun," Deku chimes in.

"Yes, don't you worry your pretty little head about it," the other two look to Shoji, shocked. The teen isn't one for just handing out compliments, much less ones about appearance. He simply shrugs and motions towards Kaminari.

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