school camping trip

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The school annual camping trip was coming up most of the teens in the school were excited too because on the final day of the trip at the big bonfire legend has it that who ever your holding hands with you will be with that person forever

nika pov

I was so excited for the trip I have been waiting for a while too and I already know about the legend but the thing is delta I want him to have a good time too but I feel like he's gonna hate it he doesn't shu much emotion at school or home unless you count anger and love I asked him about it and he said that he was ok with going but I'm not sure so I mean delta does a lot of stuff for me and with me that he didn't have to live when he got in a fight with fubuki over me and I just want to repay him for that but knowing delta he would probably won't want that but I want to repay him

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