Chapter 17- 😟

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Also Srry for not uploading- school started- but now I'm sick and it could be COVID since I was with someone who ,I didn't know, had COVID and they didn't know either (they tested positive and I'm scared for them) . BUT since I'll probably be stuck in bed the next day or two (or more) you MIGHT see some uploads- idk lol

Tomorrow will soon arrive...

~The Next Day~ (I don't remember what day it was so yep 😎)

Izuku woke up, he didn't know where he was at first and freaked out for like a second before remembering he was in the guest room of the Afton House. The boy got out of bed and headed downstairs, William was already there eating his toast and Clara was talking with Michael and Elizabeth.

Izuku got some cereal, sat down, and started eating.

"Alright, Me and William are heading out to get groceries. Be back in around... an hour! Stay safe!"
Clara said, her and William heading out the door.

~15 minutes later~

Ding Dong

Everyone stops what they were doing.
"Did mom say anybody was coming while she was gone?!" Michael asked.

"No.." Izuku said, scared.

"You-?" Micheal turned to Elizabeth to which she shook her head in reply.

"Hit the deck!" Mike whisper-yells and Lizzy drops to the ground.

"Blinds" Mike tells Izuku and the broccoli closes the blinds.

"I got the lights!" Micheal shuts off the lights.

"Here!" Deku carefully tosses Mike a baseball bat.
"Thanks.. got a visual?"

"Nothin'" Liz reports.

Terrance walks out of his room with marshmallows, "what are you morons doin?"

"Get down you idiot! Someones at the door!" Eggs calls.
"Oh- shit" Terrance shuts off the hallway lights and drops to the floor.

Ding Dong

"Look what you did!" Mike snaps at Terrance. "...I'm goin in"

"You don't have to do this.." Izuku whispers.

"I have too.."
Mike walks slowly towards the door and lets out a breath of disappointment. "Oh fuuu-"

"What is it?" Eli asks.

"It's Izuku's stupid friends!"

"Awww yea I forgot about that" Deku laughs in realization and embarrassment.
(If u know where that's from then ur very epic
Then again everyone if very epic)
Izuku walks outside and greets his friends, they all decided to go to the park and just chill around town for the rest of the day.

Yeah Izuku decided not to question how they found him.

~an hour passed~

William and Clara are home now, Michael told them what happened and they had a good laugh before returning to what they were doing before.
A short chapter with a ✨meme✨
Idk what I'm doing anymore but I do say that a lot-

I was watching Iron Man 2 while writing this so yee 😎

~Sick Author ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

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