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Tw/cw -blood- fighting -

No cussing or anything sexual but there is kissing

  Your taking your daily walk. You see this cat like creature through the window. Everyone turns and sees you.

    You start to run. One start to chase after you. He tackes you to the ground. You made a grunt noise.

"Hey get off me ." you yelled at him.

He keeps u pinned "you saw her didn't you ."

You didnt saw anything .

He lift you up and keeps his hand on your back . He pushes you in the house.

"What is this let me leave ."you tried to put he pushes you back .

"We need to talk. I am nick this is truble."he points to this girl with short black hair."this is rosalee and Monroe ."he points to the couple "and that hank my partner and Juliette my girlfriend."he points to the other people.

"My name is lyida. Lydia shaw."i told them.

"You saw me change didn't you."rosalee said.

I nod.

"Have u heard of a grimm ."nick ask

"Yes i get called that every time i see one of those things."i shurg my shoulder not caring. I was about to leave but someone grabbed my shoulder. I grabbed there hand and flips them .

I heard them cough and see a girl trubel on the ground .

"Sorry ."i told her.

She get up and nods"next time dont touch her ."she backs up.

"Ok this might sound crazy but she a fuchsbau and cat like creature and he a blutbad ."nick told me and i nod.

"Trubel a grimm like us and Juliette is normal like hank ."he kept saying.

I just sighed "so why did you tackle me then ?"i look around.

"You ran and we needed to talk."he shrug.

I rolled my eyes "ok can i leave."

"No i need to show u something."nick said.


We walk to a trailer. I looked around the outside.

Then heard a key lock click unlocked.

We walked in.

"Nice little place ."i looked around.

"Sure sit we have alot to read and talk about."nick said.


I feel asleep on the little couch.

I feel something nudge me alittle.i jolted awake forgetting were i was and saw nick.

"Sorry ."i heard him say. I rubbed my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"9:30. I have to get to work you can stay here if you want . i dont care ."he told me and he grabbed his things and left without me saying anything.

I fell back to sleep.

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