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I woke up and it was 2pm and i got up and left to go home but bump into someone when i left the trailer.

I looked up and saw trubel.

"Umm hi."trubel said.

"Hi. Sorry excuse me i have to go ."i told her in a rush.

She grabbed my arm and pull me back into the trailer.

I pushed her back "dont touch me ."i told her .

"You need to learn more."she pointed st my chest.


After everything she told me i was tired.

I heard footsteps. I jumped alittle but it was just nick.

I sigh and got up and left.

I went home got in a shower. I changed. I put my underware and bra on then a tanktop and skinny jean.

I heard a noise like a glass breaking.

Something kept coming and coming closer. I shut the door and the thing was bamging. I grabbedy phone and caller 911.

"Hello 911 what youe emergency."the person said over the phone.

"Yes i would like to get a cop at --." I was cut off by the door slaming open.
I went to the window but got pull back down i hit my head on the sink.

I had blood dripping down my nose.

The person kept draggingy but i turned around and kicked the person over and kept repeating that.

They eventually let go"leave me alone now." I yelled at them.

The turned into a wesen but i didnt know which on . so i kept fighting til hank and nick kick down the door and pull him of me .

"You are all grimms ."he shouted and jump out me window and ran.

I was trying to breathe.

"You alright."hank ask me.

I nodded


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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